Friday, February 27, 2009

Yes, Another Cold

Today dear ones I'm keeping it short because I'm not feeling that great. I did want to show you more from the zoo if you are interested. Some people are opposed to zoos however if they are done well I am not one of them. Tampa can be very proud of the Lowery Park Zoo unlike Orlando. Our zoo is pitiful compared to theirs!

Since taking up photography in earnest I've learned there are some folks who dislike birds big time. I'm not one of them. I discovered today there are more than 10,000 kinds of birds!!! I admire many of them for their wonderful details, and colorful feathers. I wish I'd been able to get closer to the pictured African flamingos--they were a lovely pale pink. For some reason the door was locked. I must go again sometime. I've included one of the mother tiger which as you can see has the fencing in it but I thought the size of her paws was cool. By the way, the last photo is a snowy egret and her chicks which I discovered way up in a tree--I did the best I could.

Hopefully it won't take another two weeks to get over this cold.

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