We are of the early to bed, early to rise mentality--they are just the opposite.
I use a phone book for numbers--they think I'm crazy.
We make the bed--they think, why bother?
Eating is not loaded with guilt and anxiety--we eat what we want.
Neither Bruce nor I text--how old fashioned!
I could care less about carrying my cell phone around--WHAT am I thinking????
The computer is not full of mystery for them--it's a world of possibility.
Work is just a way to make money, not a way of life.
Gift cards are the way to go--what's with shopping especially for someone? (Not true for all of our sons!)
Wrapping paper?? Are you kidding??
Multi-tasking is completely normal for them. I mostly concentrate on one thing at a time.
Some of this I'm being silly about, some not so much. Matt purchased a domain name and made a website (Out & About Photography) for me in all of about three hours. I watched in awe. The thing is, I love how young people are fearless, sallying forth with such confidence. Some days I wonder if I used to be like that...
Probably I was. Imagine having four children to care for at the age of 29--unthinkable these days. Back then I woke each morning with so much responsibility that I rarely thought about it. I just did what I needed to do.
Truth be told, I'm pretty proud of how our sons turned out. That may sound silly, but if I can write about photography successes, I suppose it's ok every now and then to voice how I feel about our boys. Boys, not that is outdated!!!
The weather today was spectacular, cold and dry, with a brilliant blue sky. We took advantage of it by cleaning up our yard which has been sorely neglected since I let the yard guys go. Bruce did all the hard work, while I mowed, picking up bags of leaves as I went. It looks super for now anyway.
He then got the canoe ready for a fishing excursion at the lake down the street. Here's Mr. Baxter ready to go:
It's supposed to be pretty cold at the market tomorrow; I guess we'll see...
Listening to: The Maccabees - Young Lions
via FoxyTunes
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