Friday, January 8, 2010

Daisy Extravaganza

Always experimenting with color! I picked up this beautiful shade of gerbera daisy during a short trip to Costco today. Wouldn't you know it, I found some gorgeous red tulips at Publix yesterday which I've been doing my best to showcase; not sure if I'm there just yet. Furthermore, I'm not sure I've gotten this daisy right, but it wasn't because I wasn't trying! The one thing I'm sure about is when I see a special flower I don't pass it up no matter how many I've got at home! Which one is your favorite?




The cold and ick continues; snow has been mentioned, although you know what a skeptic I am--I'll believe it when I see it!
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Anonymous said...

Can't pick-they are all fabulous but I would put the green one @ the bottom. Tulips are my favorite-I almost bought some @ Albertsons L

Ava said...

Oh my! These are beautiful!

Kernel Panic Loop