Monday, January 11, 2010

Turn of Events

Earlier today I put this slideshow together and wrote the title. A little later I was considering changing it, however it turns out it is more apropos than I realized. Originally it was intended to reference the market cancellation yesterday and subsequent trip to Blue Springs(captions below photos in full size version):

Around 10 this morning, my old friend Jeanette called with the horrible news that one of our oldest friends,Karen, well, she's not really old, we've just known her for at least 25 years, suffered a brain aneurysm on Saturday and is in critical condition.It is a very sad tale that has me very shook up. Apparently, the brain surgery to stop the bleeding was successful, however, Karen is still not ready for visitors. Thus, I'll have to rely on reports from her mom. This is not the first time Karen has nearly died; years ago she had open heart surgery just as she was fading away. That time I was there for her, this time I can't be, at least for now.

Once the sun was high in the sky, I decided to take Baxter for a walk in his new little preppy sweater. I put the baby camera in my front jeans pocket. Planning to put it away once we came inside, I realized it was not there. Two trips along the same route, once on foot, and another on my bike, failed to spot it. I'm super sad because not only was this the camera that launched my business, it still had some of the FIRST digital photos on the built in memory of David and Michelle taken on Christmas, only two hours after I opened the gift from Bruce that started my new life. :(

I'm feeling a little blue right now so that will do it for today's installment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that is very sad news. Hope she is better. L

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