Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Birthday Boy

Posted by PicasaIt was about 44 years ago that Bruce and I became a couple. That, my friends is a long time ago, as I've no need to remind you. 16,060 days of conversation. And you know what, I've loved every minute of it. 

Imagine this, I was still a bed wetter when Bruce and I began going "steady." I'll never forget the time I had a cystoscopy in the urologist's office when I was 13, with no anesthesia I might add, and we went to some school game together. I was petrified to pee because they'd put that horrible metal instrument in me, and I finally broke down and told Bruce. He understood, or at least he said he did.

And, he's never given me reason to doubt what he tells me. He is an extraordinary man, as of course, I remind you every chance I get. Unlike both of our parents, our marriage has been one of happiness. When I tell people that we've rarely ever fought, they can't believe it, however, I'm speaking the truth. I've always wondered what people find to argue about. Maybe because we grew up together there is  commonality in our thinking. Bruce respects that I'm super frugal, I am glad he's not so much. In most ways I'm the practical one, Bruce is the dreamer.

Because my birthday is on such an awkward day I've probably not given enough attention to birthdays. You'll have to ask our children if they feel they were short changed. As I grow older I realize that birthday celebrations carry more weight than I've heretofore realized. Today there will be no call from Bruce's mom.

Yesterday while cleaning out my office closet I came across Bruce's last birthday card from my Mom. Here's what she wrote:

May 18, 2003
To a son-in-law who is the light of my daughter's life, a role model for his boys unparalleled, and a generally all around good guy. I wish you the happiest of all birthdays. 

That about sums it up although I would say he is most definitely a good guy.

I titled this post "The Birthday Boy" because although his hair is going gray, he'll always be a boy to me.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

This needs to be his profile pic-it's GREAT

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