Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Modern Middle Age

My baby camera has some cool settings in the scene menu including a pinhole and film grain black and white. While in Vero Beach on Friday with Bruce, I left him to fix the restaurant roof, and I headed to the water. I sell quite a few beach scenes, I suppose because around these parts, most folks love the ocean, and can't physically go as often as they like. I try to take them there with a photograph. That said, it is always a challenge to have a fresh approach. Thus, I tried these:
I'm not so sure I'll use these, but it was worth a try.

According to this article from the Times, Happy Days, I can relax about my "modern middle age" memory problems. Don't you just love that term? Actually, I worry very little about not remembering things clearly, mostly, I think, because I'm always looking ahead. Of course, I suppose if I was in therapy, that theory would undoubtedly be shot down! Most people seem to cherish their memories, however, in my experience, it's primarily unpleasant things that come to mind. As well, I think repetition is the driver. By that I mean, the more times you tell a story, the harder it sticks! Bruce is always going on and on about how he's not as sharp as he once was, and then proceeding to tell me some obscure story from his past. Because we've been together so long, I've shared a good many experiences with him, so you've already guessed that those stories are from way long ago. I, on the other hand, remember so little of my childhood that I might just has well not have lived it!

Here's a good one for you--I believe most of you know I was a bed wetter until aged 13. There are a gold mine of stories related to that embarrassing situation. What you may not know is that my bladder problems were not confined solely to the night time. I wish! Once in I'm pretty sure was the fourth grade, I wet my pants while wearing my Girl Scout uniform. Are you laughing your head off yet? Imagine trying to hide that!!! Actually, I'm fairly certain I had to be picked up from school following that sad event. How's that for unpleasant?

So, I do remember a few things from childhood, but not much. You should hear the tales told by my brother Pat, and sister, Maureen. They can go on for hours! That, my dear ones, will be discussed further in our next get together...


Unknown said...

Well that's a memory. I have the same memory at Lake Como. My teacher took me outside and lifted my dress to check. I don't have alot of memories of childhood either. My sister has them all.
Enjoy your day. Love the beach photos.

Lisa Spak said...

Acyually I think the school's use to carry spare clothing-I wet my pants in 2nd grade @ Kaley & they sent me to the clinic to change!

Gail Peck said...

I'm left wondering if it was a girl thing? No need to life the Girl Scout uniform as it was plain for all to see!

Kernel Panic Loop