Friday, May 21, 2010

What is Art?

First order of the day is to thank both Matthew and Nancy for commenting on the lilies. I'm unsure whether they think they are print worthy, but they did confirm my suspicion as to which is better.

Bruce was kind enough to accompany me to this show last evening shortly after returning from Connecticut. I'm not entirely clear if this was coincidental or not, but today I began reading a new novel with this quote by Bertand Russel in the front: The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. From what we saw last night, I'm not sure if I'm a fool, a fanatic (see blog title), or wise,  but I sure left puzzled. We made it to four spaces, which was more than enough. Many of the pieces were similar to my photo trash bucket. Two very unappealing pieces with clouds as subject matter were $800 a piece. Now, I'm all for clouds, but seriously these were no more than holding your camera above your head on a very cloudy day. No skill, no nothing. As well, for the life of me, I will never understand the appeal of trailer parks as subject matter. How is that art? I feel as if it is merely exploitation. Maybe there's a fine line between the two, but I don't see it. Furthermore, I kept waiting to be inspired, which did not happen. A Snapple bottle? Once again I entered to win tickets for the big Saturday night bash, however, now I'm not so sure I want to attend. I had to enter an image taken on a vacation, which I did. Three alligators and a heron in the river from our camping trip last year. Don't know if I was the only winner, but it was worth a try. That is until we went last night....

We saw a woman I know and she asked me if I had anything in the show, to which I of course replied no. I told her I was mostly over the whole gallery thing as we've previously discussed in this space. Most shows are attended by artists, not buyers.  I'll just stick to my market gig, and of course shows when I can. After what we saw last night, I don't fit in with that crowd anyway.

I came home wondering how what was shown could be considered art. It's so subjective, I know, but seriously, there were like three images that were compelling. The rest, drivel, in our humble opinion I must add.  Oh well, we did have fun together, so that's really all that matters!

I've mentioned in previous posts this year how the cold seems to have done wonders for our plants and trees. Two neighbors, a few doors down have peach and nectarine trees, which in previous years have had little fruit. Take a look at how they look this year! This peach tree is sagging under the weight of all the fruit.

Well, it seems as if I've deleted the nectarine tree. Bummer, because it is beautiful.

All that cold seems as if it never happened these days. Today is bright and sunny, with temps reaching 90. That was made tolerable by my FIRST swim in the pool today! In fact, I'm typing this in a wet bathing suit. I hated to mess up my spiffy new hair, but it had to happen sometime. Hot and sunny weather is predicted for the weekend warrior. Actually, I think tomorrow will be my last time at the Sand Lake market because it is just going nowhere. I sat out there last Saturday, waiting and waiting for people to materialize, which never happened. Of course it doesn't help that there are no signs, but still... 
Anyway we'll be gone the following two Saturdays and it just seems like it will be a good time to call it quits. I do hate to be a quitter, just not in my makeup.


Nancy said...

Alas, I do think they are totally worth printing!!!

Nancy said...

And the peach pic is gorgeous and needs a printing!

Kernel Panic Loop