Monday, December 4, 2017

Hockey, A Parade and More!

I think it is the sameness that gets to you. The sun sets early, plunging the city into darkness by 4:30 in the afternoon, and doesn't rise until nearly 8 the next morning. Not that you would know it because there is only a gradual change in the sky, from dark, to dark gray. If you think I've been exaggerating about the rain, this article I came across validates all of my moaning. Yup, the year of my birth was the last time this much rain fell in Vancouver. So it was that I was thrilled to see some color in the sky both yesterday, and this morning. Particularly today as there were lovely shades of pink to begin the day.
But, before we got so lucky, December came, continuing November's rainy ways. We walked through a pouring rain to church Friday night, however, it was worth all of the discomfort as they had a brass band and Christmas carol sing along.
Can anyone believe I got Bruce to go to something like this? A year ago I would never have dreamed he would agree to this kind of activity, however, both of us just love the church for all sorts of reasons. I'd hoped to go to the Christmas tree lighting ceremony prior to the concert, however, Bruce didn't get home in time because, well, he'll be embarrassed that I've told you, but it really shows why we came to Vancouver in the first place. Every two weeks, on Friday afternoon, they hold something at the office called "Magic Hour", where they unwind, and if they want to, praise their co-workers.  Not only did Bruce's big boss have something to say about him in front of everyone, Emily, the designer on the Seattle project, broke into tears while saying how lucky she was to have Bruce as her PM on her very first solo project. It won't surprise anyone to learn that he blushed. :)

Leaving the church feeling all aglow, it was pouring outside, a quick way of killing said glow. Nonetheless, we walked over to the tree, which is lovely, although I didn't get the photo I wanted just yet. You can bet that I will now that we might just have a week without constant rain! Further, I wanted to show Bruce the ice skating rink which had opened earlier in the day.
Another cool thing that happened on Friday was that Bruce was given two tickets to the Vancouver Cannucks hockey game at Rogers Arena for Saturday afternoon. Never having been to a hockey game before, I was delighted. The whole experience was fantastic, with a fast paced game against the Toronto Maple Leafs, whose fans outnumbered the Cannucks, btw.
Having terrific seats helped. How could you not have a good time when the home team wins amidst loud rock music and cool light shows? Not to mention the actual sport of hockey which is really exciting.
Sunday was meant to be somewhat sunny, however, that was not the case until late in the afternoon. As such, after church, we walked two blocks to Howe Street, the route for the Christmas parade, which began with bagpipers of all ages. Count me very surprised to see the young ones in the group.
While Bruce went into the Nestles Toll House shop, hoping for some hot chocolate, I crossed the street to be closer to the action, standing next to this family.
Unlike any parade I've attended, it featured quite a variety of participants, including this dance group,
and some women,
who drummed behind a banner reading, Falun Gong is good. My memory fails me as to who these folks were with...
however, I do know who these fellows represent.
You can imagine I took a whole lot of photos, but I'll spare you more. Suffice it to say that because it was NOT raining, I did not wear my rain boots, instead another pair of boots that failed to keep me warm. During a break between acts, I ran across the street, met up with Bruce, and insisted I was just too darn cold to wait for the Santa Claus float. Plus, he needed to drive to Seattle for the bar top installation, hoping to get there before it was all the way dark.  Demolition of the old top took 8 men, followed by a ten man crew to install the new one. A big deal that went off without a hitch, much to his relief!

Finally the clouds began parting and Mrs. Camera Crazy went for a walk. About two weeks ago they strung white LED lights on the huge evergreen in our park (don't you like the way I say that so nonchalantly?), turning them on full time December 1, much to my delight.
Taking to the seawall, others had the same idea. In fact one fellow with a camera remarked with glee...the SUN! You bet!
Oh happy evening! Continuing along the seawall, making my way to English Bay, others were out as well.
 I was hoping to find something I'd read about. Sure enough, I did.
A cold, but satisfying walk home, where Baxter and I watched a silly Christmas movie, and slept the night away.

As I type, there are mostly clouds, however, I can see the mountains again, so I'm happy. Before too long Bruce will be home and all will be right in the Peck household.

yours truly,


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