Sunday, December 24, 2017

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow

Had you grown up in the Price household you would immediately get the title reference. As only a few of my readers did, let me explain. You've heard, probably ad nauseam, about my love for two Christmas records we grew up listening to every year--Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians. I won't belabor the point yet again, however, one of the songs goes something like this:   

Snow, snow, snow, snow
Snow, let it snow, let it beautiful wonderful snow

We sang along as if we knew anything about snow. Well, my friends, now I know a little bit about snow firsthand, much to my delight.

Looking at the weather app on my phone Tuesday morning, I saw the snow symbol for around 9 that night. Woo hoo! I figured we would be walking home from the train station about that time after collecting Matt and Tom at the airport. Wondering what that would be like, I began getting ready for some last minute errands. Following my shower and layering of clothing, I walked into the living room and much to my surprise, it was snowing at 9 in the morning rather than 9 at night.
Instead of the puny flakes I'd seen about a month ago, this time the flakes were big and coming down fast. 
As you can imagine, I was texting Matt right away that it was snowing, going so far as to shoot a little phone video. Bruce, of course, could look out of his office window so already knew that by golly, it was snowing pretty darn hard. The park began to get a coating...
I'm pretty confidant I was the only one on their balcony reveling in the fact that it was snowing! After about an hour of it coming down quickly, I finally thought that perhaps I should actually go out in it and so I did. Coming out of the building, I felt sympathy for the construction workers across the street who did not share the luxury of running back into a heated building when it just got too darn cold.
As you can imagine, I was loving it, taking photos of everything I saw, grateful that my camera claims to be weatherproof.
Looking good, right? 
In spite of my excitement, even I began to get cold so I hightailed it back upstairs spending the next 45 minutes finally catching up with Angela who is on the same side of the country visiting Matt's parents. For those of you who remember her story, you will be heartened to know she is doing pretty well, although Christmas is hard because Matt was such a Christmas enthusiast. She now has an adorable dog named Lily who is bringing her much comfort. All the while the snow continued to fall and the park looked like this.
By the way, these are not black and white photos, they only look that way due to the lighting. At any rate, from above, I was enchanted by the accumulation of snow on the bare tree branches so once again I bundled up to get a closer look. 
The street sign!!
One of the things I've been so thrilled with during this adventure is how the same scene can look so different depending on the month of the year.
You've seen the view below many times now, but never like this:
Not a whole lot of people out, however, there were a few enjoying the unexpected snow.
Showing the photo to Beth at the office, she claimed it was "Very Vancouver" with the bike tracks in the snow. It took a local to notice that feature.

Can you guess what happened after the two hours of snow? I wouldn't have been able to before, however, now that I've seen it happen it won't catch me by surprise the next time. It began raining. Very Vancouver. And before long the park looked like this.
Not the best time to do errands, but you do what you have to do, right?

We've had some great adventures while Matt and Tom have been here, which when time permits, I will share, but in the meantime, I'm sending out wishes for both a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year full of what brings you joy. 
Snow, snow!!!

yours truly,


p.s. although our park is green again, there are many parts of the city where the snow has remained, covering roof tops and lawns because it is darn cold. 27 degrees as I type this morning. 

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