Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Fog Has Lifted

And once it did, we have had abundant sunshine all week. Glorious sunshine.

As such, I decided to revisit Stanley Park to better understand what I was missing in the fog of winter. The answer to that is, I missed a lot of beauty, not to mention landmarks to guide me along the way.
This time I took the #23 bus, boarding on Beach Avenue about two blocks from here. It only took me to Denman Street, the main shopping hub for the West End, but it was a pleasant walk along Denman because it is so different than other parts of the city. You never know what sort of building you will see, or businesses, for that matter. Holiday Feet!
There are all manner of cuisines along the way. You name a country, and I think there food is available somewhere on this street.
Following Denman, you cross Georgia, and voila! There you are. It may come as a surprise to some to learn that the humidity is generally high here, although for, I guess the same reason that the temperature feels different, the humidity does as well. For example, as I type, the temperature is 37 degrees with 98% humidity. In Orlando right now, the humidity is 63%. I can't figure it out, but what I do know is that before the sun burns it off, the plants are often covered with morning moisture.
Let's take that same walk as the other day together, shall we? The harbor is the first to come into view. Have I told you lately how much I love seeing those mountains?
Since last we met, I've learned what kind of duck I saw in the mist, an American Wigeon. Across from the harbor, I saw a whole flock of them, so apparently not such a rare sight as I thought that foggy day.
Lest you think I am a fast walker, I am here to dispel that notion. Perhaps I have a shorter stride, or perhaps it is because I am always in the "noticing" mode, not quite sure, but these folks were behind me, and before I knew it they had taken quite a lead.
We are coming up to the totem pole area, and if not for signs last week, I would have missed it. Not easily missed on such a beautiful day!
If you did not read the previous post , all of this it won't make much sense to you, but if you did, let me explain. I came to the area above, and crossed over thinking I was heading back home. Not on your life. Instead I made a loop around the end of the park, never even knowing that the Lionsgate bridge was by my side.
What's more, as the lighthouse was coming into view, I asked the walker in front of me which way to go because I had never seen the lighthouse. Here's what it looked like off to my right on that day.
Here's what I was missing...
The loop, of course, took me right back to the totem poles! Fortunately there is a gift shop there where I asked for directions. I imagine the people thought I was crazy not knowing which way to go, but seriously, without landmarks, I was a lost soul. Had I seen this view, surely I would have known which way to go! If you are here for any time at all, you come to learn that those are the North Shore mountains. Speaking of which, we have been gone from Orlando for five months already, including our cross country drive. As a matter of fact, five months ago today was the closing on our home sale. Wow! Time really does fly.
Two years ago, when first I visited Vancouver, I did go to Stanley Park and visited this this same area. Never in a million years did I imagine myself roaming around there again, as a temporary local, no less. I believe a Snow Goose has lost her flock.
Like a dummy I roamed around this grassy area picking up geese droppings on my shoes. I never seem to learn.
It is hard to imagine that the fog obscured all of this isn't it?
Crossing back over Georgia Street, I headed home along the walk beside Lost Lagoon. Sun, oh how I love thee when it is cold!
Not to mention how blue the water looks with the reflection of the cloudless sky.

I have to admit that I was not really a duck person before last year. I remember a woman telling me how much she loved Wood Ducks, whereas I was fairly ambivalent. Now, however, I am a fan no matter the duck species. I mean even common ducks like Mallards are really quite remarkable. Look at the variety of feather colors in this, my best ever, or so I think, photo of a Mallard alongside Lost Lagoon.
Talk about a fashionista! There were quite a few Wood Ducks in this same area and their colors belong in a Gucci fashion show. Have you seen some of the Gucci fashions lately? I have, and they are pretty crazy. Perhaps these ducks are their inspiration for mixing colors?
Having knowledge as where to watch birds again makes me a happy camper.

So, the beautiful days end with equally beautiful skies and a waterfront with boats sporting Christmas lights? What's not to like? Again, it is hard to imagine, but all of this view was completely blocked by the dense fog both day and night. Elevator talk turned to the fog and one person said they had a NINE day spell of it in the past. Thank God for small favors.
We are counting the days until Matt and Tom arrive...

yours truly,


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