Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Wait is Over

But before we get to today's exciting events, let's go back a few days, shall we? Doesn't everyone love how water looks when it is so still it looks as if it could be a solid surface? I know I sure do.
Being up early helps when it comes to seeing such sights,  although I admit, our waking times are not quite as regular, or early, as they were when Bruce was heading to the office every day. One day we might be up at 5, and the next 6:30. Now, however, I've got a new toy to keep track of all that. And what might that be Gail? Before leaving Vancouver, our friends Pina and Giovanni gave me a most generous gift, an early birthday present they called it. Except, I had no real idea how to set it up, so when Bill and Fallon came over on Labor Day, I had her set it up. Oh, by the way, a Red Shouldered Hawk has just flown into the tree outside my window.

But I digress. I will say I wish it were an owl instead, and speaking of that, the other morning, early, I received a text from Sally with an attached photo of two juvenile owls on the same branch over in Southern Oaks. Holy Cow! As fast as I could, I dressed and rode over on my bike. Perhaps I should have taken the MINI because, in spite of craning my neck back so far I thought it would snap, I could see neither of them. Another day, or so I hope.

Where was I? Oh, that's right, the watch. It is a smart watch that tracks all sorts of things, including how long I sleep at night. Using last night's data from the phone app, apparently 3 hours and 12 minutes were spent in light sleep, while the other 4.44 was spent in restful sleep. One minute awake, which is really something for someone my age as so many of our friends toss and turn at night. Can this be real? Sleeping with a watch on is kind of weird to me, so I probably won't do it all that often, but it is kind of interesting.
It is counting my steps too, although there aren't a whole lot to count. During the game on Monday night, during the dismal performance by my beloved Florida State Seminoles, I tallied up all of my Vancouver walking mileage. It is no wonder that my feet hurt so bad when we were first there, as it turns out, I walked the most miles in August--110. The 938 mile total is astounding for someone who walked to the front yard mailbox and into stores previously. Then too, I probably really cracked  1,000 miles because oftentimes either my phone would be dead, or at home. In any case, my walking days seem to be over for now, and bike riding isn't tracked by this watch. My feet, on the other hand (!),  are a little happier now.

I took a photo of a few of the ladies at the water aerobics class; of our instructor is seated in the lifeguard chair as the class was over and most everyone had gone home for the day.
Pam, while driving us to the quilt guild meeting asked if I felt like it was a good workout? My response----my mouth is getting quite the workout as it is a VERY chatty group, but it sure is fun. So the class was on Monday, and on Tuesday, following my bike ride, I decided it was time to make a new liner for my bike basket because the one that had sat outside in our carport, had so much dirt in the bottom that was not doing my camera lenses any favors. Plus, when I made the first one I knew not very much about how to go about it. Having made some bags now, I felt a bit more confidant, drawing a pattern on newspaper, and using that to cut out my fabric. Finally, the sewing machine was up on my table which is doing double duty these days.
Isn't it so miraculous how different the same area can look during the day? The lake looks mostly like a blank out the window, but oh in the morning! You will probably have to become accustomed to lots of photographs that look similar to the one below, as each day the sunrise is different. And how lucky that I, a sunrise girl, has this view? Very lucky indeed. A fogged, by humidity, camera lens.
Getting a good start on my project, I had to put it aside to go to the meeting where it was wonderful to see all of my quilty friends again. And what wonderful work they do! These are a couple of Charleston doors, interpreted in fabric.
This was a fun find on the side of the Sewing Studio building.
Using fabric, given to me by Pam , I quilted the panels differently, sewed them together, and there is a pin dot red polka dotted outside fabric. The red rick rack is some that I inherited from Bruce's Mom. Finishing it last evening, I plan on giving it a workout tomorrow morning.
This afternoon, during a wonderful visit with Bonnie and Bev, she, and I mean Bev, expressed concern that I was in a bit of a funk, and while that was partly true, I am now officially out of it! Making things will do that for me. :)

Those two friends, and faithful readers I might add, are the first to see the new appliances. Our final meal made on the old stove.
Wouldn't you know it, Bruce had a little business trip today and won't see them himself until tomorrow evening. Sorry honey.

Because he left for the airport at 5AM, I rose and began answering a letter from Dale who sent me all sorts of newsy stuff from Vancouver. Then the phone rang and it was the dishwasher/microwave installer. Woo hoo...he was on his way.

First he removed the dishwasher and kindly sorted out the crazy long electrical connection behind it. Behind the old dishwasher, he is in the hole.
I was heartened to know that he donates the appliances that he removes. As it turns out, the dishwasher is only four years old, so we hope it will be useful for someone in need. He had a helper, and here they are putting up the microwave.
Oh that microwave is cute as can be. Plus, these appliances, unlike stainless steel, have some sort of coating that renders them finger proof, which I can vouch for as he had some seriously sweaty hands holding it up there and it still looked good.

As he was finishing the dishwasher install, the guys from Southeast Steel called and they too were on their way. He told me to begin emptying the fridge, which I did, all over the counters and in the sink.
They don't mess around I can tell you that much. I was nearly done when I realized that I should have pre-moved my magnets; fortunately he was happy to help me with that. Out came the old stove,
and before long the new one was in place. Did I tell you it is a smart range? Lordy, Lordy, how will I ever figure that out? One of the fellows was young and helpful, but I still don't have the app installed properly. That said, I do know how to turn the knobs, so that's a plus. It is so pristine, however, will I ever want to cook again? I fear not!
The color is fantastic, changing in different lighting. One bummer is that there is a small dent on the face of the dishwasher, so there will be a do-over next Tuesday.
When Fallon was going through my paint chip samples, she immediately picked a green she liked for the lower cabinets. The uppers will be some shade of white. Wouldn't you know it, Bev picked the same green today, so it seems as if my search is over. When that happens is yet to be determined, although now that the appliances look so good, can I wait? Time will tell.

your friend,


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