Monday, November 5, 2018

A Week in Review

Seriously, I can't believe it has been a week since last I wrote a blog post! In my defense, it has been a busy one with mostly good weather for which I am super grateful. When I've had the opportunity, I've been out on my bicycle looking for beauty, which as we all know, can be found most anywhere if you have your eyes and mind opened to it. After months of whining, I'm now in a better frame of mind and seeing why nearly 900 people move to Florida every single day.
I just love this type of Philodendron with holes! While you will see and read about how great I think birds are in this space, plants are pretty darn remarkable in their size and variety. Not to mention color schemes. Then too, how about a little ruffled edge?
Crotons are one of those plants you either love, or hate. While they aren't what I would call pretty, there is no denying that their color schemes are downright dramatic.
Perhaps I've mentioned that there are ten raised beds in the front of the complex that people can buy for a nominal fee? While there is still one available, I've been reluctant to pull the trigger because the truth is, I know little to nothing about growing vegetables. Then again, perhaps I can learn from the fellow who owns this one.
Guess what? More birds are coming to the feeders!! Not, however, any male cardinals just yet. There is one that flits amongst the trees behind our place, easy to spot once you hear the familiar tit-tit sound they make. That red!
The trees in British Columbia are spectacular, however, there is nothing at all wrong with a gigantic old Oak tree. I've been trying hard to take a shot of this one, probably the largest on the property which is a tall order. (no pun intended!)
The busy week I began with? Well it began with a dental cleaning appointment for me on Monday, during which time I learned our dentist of the past 30+ years will soon be retiring. Plus, I need a new crown to replace an old as dirt one. The beginning of that process will be happening in the next hour or so. Tuesday, I saw Dr. Parillo who prescribed some meds for this blasted cough and fluid in my left ear. Then it was time for Bruce to begin his colonoscopy prep. Honestly, he'd been putting off this screening for years, and he seriously breezed right through it.
The people at Citrus Surgery Center, the same place I had mine, are terrific. The whole thing was over before we knew it, and a hearty breakfast followed at the nearby Peach Valley Cafe, a place we'd not been in years, a mistake which will now be rectified, as it was very tasty indeed.

Nancy organized a get together to celebrate Maureen's 70th birthday with Lynn and our brother Pat joining us. We ate at LaCantina, Nancy's fave, and there are not nearly enough superlatives to describe how tasty that meal was.
One of the oldest restaurants in town, it is amazing how busy they remain. Leaving the restaurant around 9PM, it was packed on that Thursday night.

At this very moment, I was supposed to be getting the new countertops installed. Not happening. And why would that be you ask? After waiting for weeks, the sink came in cracked, and a new one allegedly is now on the way. It is a good thing that as I've aged I've become slightly, and I mean slightly, more patient.

Several days I rode through the complex admiring the foliage, and from there on through Lancaster Park, where there is a wonderful mix of stately homes, water, brick streets, and trees.
I rode over to Lake Davis to see the plethora of birds roaming the lakefront. Seeing these Cypress knees, as well as the dangling moss, I thought how a scene like this might look to a Florida newcomer.
Are they experiencing the sense of wonder I felt in Vancouver while seeing unfamiliar sights? 

Back through Lancaster Park, and while I may have shown this colorful house in the past, it is worth seeing again.
Standing across the street from it, I was wondering what sort of person is bold enough to use this fantastic paint scheme. Lo and behold, out she walked, wearing a very colorful print dress. I told her my thoughts which caused her to laugh heartily. I learned the house was built in 1938 and according to her, it needs some new paint love. Not new colors, just new paint. is a beacon on that street that I hope to see for years to come. BTW--she is an interior designer.

So, I was pretty darn happy after our little conversation, and it was only going to get better from there. Not that I knew that beforehand, but as I rode down Mills Avenue, off to my right, my heart soared seeing a huge wall of these beauties that have just begun blooming.
Some of the plants are twenty feet tall, and the combination of the nearby Golden Rain tree blooms, is well, captivating.
Don't you just want to stroke those? The texture just jumps out to be touched.

We heard from our upstairs neighbors, Bob and Julie, that last winter there were many more ducks and birds on the lake than what we've been seeing. Right now there are about 15 Wood Ducks, as well as some of the other birds you've seen. Now that sounds pretty exciting doesn't it? Obviously everyone is a fan of colorful birds, or maybe I should say those who like birds, and if one doesn't, I don't know what to say about that. Anyway, brown birds may not get a ton of love, but they have their own beauty in my humble opinion. Especially when backlit, right?
A duck photobomb!!
Saturday the weather was pretty darn near perfect, with sunny skies, low humidity, and a much cooler temperature. While we tried watching Florida State football, it was not fun at all. And to think I'd so been looking forward to this year of college football. They are horrible, losing last week by the widest margin in school history! In the late afternoon, Dave came by with Grace, and I finally have a sweet photograph to show you.
Isn't she the cutest? Perhaps you remember that Dave and Michelle's dog, Ginger, died last year after a long and happy life of more than 13 years. Devastated, they waited some time before finding the new love of their life who just turned one. xx

Dave told us a fire pit was on tap down by the pool and we were happy to join in.
As each week passes, we are learning to love where we live, what with beautiful sunsets most evenings, dramatic sunrises, wonderful people. What's not to like?
Finally yesterday was the annual Founders Day church celebration held at Rollins College, and in this very chapel, David and Michelle married nearly 10 years ago this month.
The day ended with a get together over at Pam and Glen's lovely home, with friends, and good food.

As I say, what's not to like? Well, maybe having to get a new crown which is where I am heading right now!

your friend,


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