Sunday, November 18, 2018

Form Before Function

Around our household, one of us is known to prefer form before function, whereas the other is a fan of function before form. Can you guess who is a fan of form being the most important? If you guessed Bruce, you would be correct. So, what was I thinking while choosing a brown sink? I succumbed to the form before function in this case. While in Vancouver we had black countertops which showed every speck of dust and I vowed I would never have a dark countertop and then here I go and get a dark sink. What gives? I wish I knew. Once Herbert finally had the water running, I quickly discovered that I will be cleaning the kitchen far more than is my custom what with the shiny stove top, and now the sink. At least the countertop is user friendly! Plus I love it. As to the brown sink, I do love how it looks, so maybe this old lady can learn to become a form before function fan after all.

Weeks will pass without an otter sighting and then two days in a row this past week they surfaced.
Can you believe it? Periodically, throughout the day I stand at the shoreline watching the lake. Much to my surprise, in the late afternoon, this happened. And when there is one, there are two.
Although they were very close to the shore, relatively speaking, I still can't get a good shot, but I will keep trying.

What I've learned is that there are often things to discover if I am paying attention. This little birdie was a nice little surprise.
The tile for the backsplash is ordered and hopefully it won't be long before it is installed. So many little things are happening, or in progress, one of which is I get my permanent crown on Tuesday, and later on that day the medicare consultant is coming. Nothing that every reader is not experiencing in their own lives, right? Your to-do list is just different from mine. I've been thinking of the folks in California who are completely overwhelmed, having lost every single thing, and it makes me ashamed that I think I have things to think about. In the news, the fires have overtaken the hurricane damage suffered by the folks in North Florida, however, you have to imagine there are scores of people still in bad shape there as well.

Nevertheless, we carry on, don't we? In our case, following the faucet install, I realized that the bathroom, in spite of the new countertop, was still seriously lacking. In particular it was the wall color which is good in some rooms, but in there, it was as blah as could be. Taking the counter sample to Sherwin Williams, I studied all manner of paint colors finally deciding to go dark and paint the room Morris Room Grey. Losing no time, I drove home, got the step ladder out and went to work.
Because it was such a drastic change, I began on the smallest wall surface, over the door.
It didn't take long to know that it was going to be a win, and I painted away. Then Bruce came home and took a look at my work. Hmmm.....turns out the areas that I thought just needed to dry were actually areas where the paint needed two coats. In fact, the whole room got two coats, as well as, Mr. Peck taking over the ceiling cut in which looks oh so much neater now.
For the moment, the floor will remain the same, however, that dopey toilet paper holder is now a thing of the past. For whatever reason, there was none when we arrived, and up until yesterday afternoon we were making do with that thing. Now, however, after a trip to Lowes to get the matching holder and hooks, it now looks like this.
The color in the above did not turn out right, but you get the idea. The previous one is truer to the color and we cannot be happier. Now I've got to pick a color for the vanity and I'll leave that painting to Bruce.

We've had a cold front come through and one morning the temperature was in the low 50's resulting in steam rising from the lake. So cool.
As the sun rose higher, the steam did as well, dancing above the surface.
With the chilly weather, the fire pit got a work out on Friday night.
The Crinum Lillies continue to bloom with their showy pink flowers.
On our way home from Lowes we traveled down Curry Ford Road to check out a restaurant that we imagined had finally opened in the Hourglass District, a new neighborhood designation that is showing great promise. In spite of eating there last night, neither of us can remember the name exactly, but it is something like Italian Kitchen. What a pleasant surprise it was, and oh so cute.
There is actually one more of this wall art that, if I'm being picky, looks more Mexican than Italian to me, but that is indeed being picky isn't it?
As we were waiting for our check, who should we see coming from the patio? None other than Pam and Glen, along with Alex and Jennifer! We are indeed back in Orlando and glad for it.

Every single day is a gift isn't it?

your friend,


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