Friday, January 3, 2020

A New Decade!

The robins are back although they have been very reluctant to sit for a portrait. I heard them before I saw them; large numbers can be somewhat noisy.

As too are the Cormorants, at least for one afternoon. Jonathan and Alissa were mildly impressed. Naturally, I got excited which is what you've come to expect, isn't it?

My 66th birthday came and went. Quietly, I might add. Because so many action-packed days have passed since last I wrote, birthday images will come later.

When last we met, Jonathan and Alissa were due to arrive from Austin. That went well although it was raining to no ones' surprise because rain has been ever-present, or at least it was for nearly two- thirds of December. They had tickets to visit Hollywood Studios on Christmas Eve, arising at the crack of dawn to be one of the first in line to visit the new Star Wars stuff. There was a steady, chilly drizzle all the livelong day. Plus, the humidity was off the charts. Still, they had fun.

While they were gone, we popped over to Dave and Michelle's place while her Mom, sister, and niece were visiting. Michelle's decorations are out of this world.
There were sparkly things everywhere, a delight for the eyes.
Michelle's family loves everything about Christmas, including dressing the part.
Now I know where she gets it from! Thinking back, there are no memories of my Mother ever wearing Christmas garb, and from the joy these ladies exude, I think she missed out. Thankfully Michelle is rubbing off on me! Except for our tastes in home decor. She is all glitz and glamour whereas I am....well, I don't know what to call it, but it ain't that.

They, along with Bill, came over Christmas morning for brunch and presents. Earlier Matt and Tom did a Facetime chat with us from Japan where they were vacationing. We opened our gifts and were delighted to have been given some very British Falcon enamelware for camping!! I quickly put them to use on the table for all manner of goodies.
That would be Bill on the left, and David on the right wearing the latest trend, buffalo check pajamas, not that he kept them on for long. If you've seen any social media posts you've already assumed that Michelle was wearing the same, and if so, your assumption is correct. Finally, the sun was shining with a beautiful breeze coming off of the lake, so much so it was blowing the curtains. Not that we minded after the weeks of high humidity and gloom! Out back to take their photo before David changed into shorts, what to our wondering eyes should appear, but the otters playing in the lake!!! This time our Austin family was noticeably impressed. :)

Scissors were placed on the coffee table for their inevitable need for help getting into the packages wrapped by my darling husband. Our custom, or perhaps I should channel Hallmark and say tradition instead, is to watch each gift opened, in this case starting with the youngest member of the Peck family, Jonathan.
That is to say, he was the youngest Peck in the house as Fallon had to work! We were super sad she wasn't there, but boy did she find a fantastic gift for the two of us....yes, it is a camping oven!!
 We were so astonished that they even make such a thing. Should you be curious, it folds up small enough to fit in that box, and the way you use it is to put it over one of your burners. Dying to try it out, my birthday gift is a camping trip next Monday to Anastasia State Park near St. Augustine. Can't wait to tell you how great it works.

The kids showered us with wonderful and generous gifts, one of which David purchased for me. That doesn't sound like such a big deal, right? Except it is because, just as in this household, Michelle generally buys the gifts.
Let's see, can you guess who bought what? If you guessed that Michelle bought the Baccarat Crystal owl you would be correct. Dave, on the other hand, went shopping, saw the stuffed owl and said I've got to get it for my Mom! I love them both!!!

A good problem to have is that we have been so blessed that our children have all done well since leaving the nest. Buying gifts is not the easiest, so seeing Michelle this happy upon opening hers was a joy. (pardon the quality, shooting into the light will do that every time!)
Bruce was both shocked and pleased that Matt remembered a hat that he admired while they were shopping together in Norway. Meanwhile, Alissa is begging me not to take any photos!
The middle of the afternoon, they all went home and the rest of the day was very low key. Actually because I got nothing down in this blog, it's already becoming a blur!

The following day I visited Maureen who, instead of being in the big room on the third floor, was in Occupational Therapy on the fourth. An interesting woman, whose name slips my mind, gave Maureen several tasks to complete, one of which was this card matching game.
I am delighted to report that the hardest part for her was reaching the furthest spots. Little velcro dots are on both the board and the back of the cards. She also put up a net for her to throw bean bags into which she did with mixed results. Not for a lack of trying though!

Michelle also purchased a jigsaw puzzle for me that took all four of us working on to complete.
Yeah, it's not easy doing a round puzzle! The goodies
in the center are from Jon and Alissa, always good for some listening and watching gifts. Another super special gift came from Matt and Tom in the form of a membership in the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. From two bird lovers to another.

To tell you the truth, we did not do a whole lot between the weather and our company wanting a relaxing time, but one day we ventured out to our local Target where we found this new mural across the street. SODO means South of Downtown, an attempt by the city to make something of our area.
Generally we get together with our family at Lisa and Danny's house in Longwood on Christmas afternoon, however, this year we did things differently, heading out there on Friday instead. Bruce is talking with Danny, a man with nine lives, in the kitchen. For quite some time he's had some very challenging health issues but somehow keeps on ticking!
He managed some lovely outdoor lighting....
Perhaps you remember when Matt and Amanda brought Eliza out to Vancouver for a conference and visit with their Aunt and Uncle. If so, you will recall she was a wee one then who is now an adorable toddler giving her Dad some loving.
Rich picked his Momma up from Westminster Towers and brought her out for the gathering! Eliza was showing her Great Aunt some love too.
Had Matthew been here he would have completed the cousins photo, all born within a few years of one another.
That pajama thing, we were having none of out and skipped church on Sunday! Imagine wearing pjs to church to sing carols at 10 in the morning.

Jonathan is a soccer fanatic rooting for Man City in the Premier League. In Austin he meets up with like minded folks to watch the games at a bar so he went in search of the same here. Bruce drove us to The Pub on International Drive where the servers wear kilts.
For the record, there were also signs pointing to the "loo" as well.
Apparently we brought good luck with Man City winning handily. On the way to the car, in search of a restroom, we popped into a place called Main Event, where the neon is bright. I have lived a sheltered life it seems as I was blown away by the noise and lights.
Next stop was Bill and Fallon's home for a visit. Well, Winnie lives there too now and boy did she give Jonathan a greeting, licking his face and ear so much he could not quit laughing!
Look who else likes glitz and glamour!
Honestly, every time I visit I cannot help but marvel at what they have done to the house, remembering what it looked like when Bill purchased it six years ago. A lot of blood, sweat and tears have gone into the renovation. Do you recall the green water in the pool that I kept trying to change?
Beautiful now with the new LED lighting.
We ended our visit with a walk to show Jon and Alissa the fantastical light display a few blocks away. Walking under the lights was magical. My heart soared as I watched Bill and Fallon, along with their puppy, thinking how happy I am that they are making a beautiful life together.
That is what every parent hopes for...somehow we were blessed beyond measure with all of our sons in loving relationships.

Now that is a Christmas gift that cannot be found online or at any store!

Happy New Decade my dear readers.

your friend,


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