Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Tuesday Road Trip

I am happy to report that Matthew identified my new bird sighting even if I could not. Failing to notice a blue tail wing, when I entered it into my Merlin bird app, I got only birds I know, however, he did not fail to notice the blue and discovered it was a female Eastern Bluebird. Well done, Matt, well done! It is always so exciting to see a new bird, not that I mind seeing old ones, but it is fun seeing something for the very first time. And although I've learned, after doing some research, that they can be found year round in Florida, it is a first for me.

Following our busy weekend, we decided to hit the road on Tuesday morning and head to Hillsborough River State Park, north of Tampa. Taking the back roads, we drove behind Championsgate which won't mean much to some readers, however, if you've driven on I-4 heading South, you will have seen their big signs just off the interstate.
Seemingly a huge community, the best part about that portion of the drive was TWO Bald Eagle sightings on different light poles. About the only places I've seen them are in wooded areas, so it came as quite the surprise. We drove through lots of cattle country as well as orange groves, at one time the backbone of the Florida economy.

 It is such a blessing to be able to get away from the traffic of Orlando.

Eventually we arrived at the park and it is an aging beauty, another one built in  the '30's by the CCC. The picnic tables were especially old and interesting. The bridge in the distance, although not so old, was closed but not for age, instead hurricane damage.
In all of the old parks there are places for folks to gather, although these days, I wonder how often that happens as most folks we've seen tend to stay at their sites? Nonetheless, it was a nice place to sit in the sun on a very chilly day here in Florida. After we toured the camping area, making notes on which sites we like, we had a surprisingly tasty lunch at the camp store/restaurant beside the huge swimming pool. The depth is but one foot near the edges and five feet in the center. Ideal for families that apparently flock here in the summer.
A trail led us over the suspension bridge set amongst the twisted tree branches,
and then we made our way back to the steps so that Bruce might make some casts. While he was doing so I talked to Lori, learning the details about Jeff's memorial service scheduled for February 7. She told me that loads of neighbors were being so helpful, bringing her more food than she can eat. Living a long time in one place definitely has its advantages. Although the two of them were a fairly new couple, he'd lived in his house for at least twenty years, if not more.

Meanwhile, the fisherman in our group made his cast just a wee bit too far, catching in a tree on the other bank. As luck would have it, a kayaker came along and agreed to do what he could to disentangle the line.

 Although he could have cut his line, leaving fishing line is not a good idea as it might fall into the water causing harm to what lies beneath the tannic water. A woman visiting from Michigan complained to me about it, as if I had something to do with the color of the water! I explained that it is tea colored from all of the Cypress trees lining the bank which seemed to satisfy her.

I haven't told you this yet, but for my birthday Bruce gave me a gift card to Bass Pro Shop as a bit of a joke. Opening my card I most definitely got a good laugh! Well, we went there to shop and I came away with The New Birder's Guide to Birds of North America, and a remaining balance on my $25 card. Waiting on Bruce, I was reading that book which drew the attention of another visitor from Wisconsin who told me he and his wife lead birding tours in Texas. He was a lot more fun to chat with than the previous stranger!

Taking a different route home, were we ever glad that we did because it took us past Cold Creek State Park, the newest park in Florida. Naturally we stopped and were so impressed! A former ranch that was given to the state, it is just beautiful, with wide open spaces and several lakes.
There is a large shaded equestrian campground as well. Bruce did a few casts in the somewhat hidden pond pictured above.
There are only 27 sites that were all filled and we could see why as everything is so new and nice. That said, there is not much shade because it is new, so winter camping is probably the best in this park. With wide open skies, the stargazing is apparently fantastic as we learned from one of the workers that the local astronomy club has a monthly meet up to do that very thing. I am dying to go there, but getting a space is not easy as they are booked up seemingly forever!

At the largest lake we chatted with this woman who spends winters in the various Florida parks. Apparently her dog loves to swim and did not mind cold water!
And of course there are the birds! I've rarely seen a Killdeer before, but we saw about eight scurrying on the ground in two different locations.
As we were ready to begin the drive home, near the front of the property was a road leading to two other lakes, so of course we had to explore. The sun was lower in the sky making for some long shadows of your favorite blogger. (presumptuous of me)
I love it when all of the grasses sport their winter finery.
Roaming around, I saw more Killdeer,
and we also saw a big flock of birds that I was on the wrong side of the car to photograph well. I got just enough in my picture to learn that they were Common Ground Doves, tiny little birds with much larger cousins.

All in all, a beautiful place with very few people there on this cold Winter's day.
 As the sun was dropping in the sky, we knew it was time to get going!
The road we took home led us through the Green Swamp Wilderness Preserve which was very interesting, and then on to SR 50 near Webster, Florida. All new to us, it is fine country. Before too long we were in Brooksville and the never-ending sprawl that has happened in our area in recent years. Amazingly though, the traffic was very manageable, making the end of our Tuesday road trip just fine. 

All in all, a wonderful time was had by all. Well, the two of us anyway!

your friend,


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