Thursday, April 2, 2020

And So It Continues

As I sit down to type this blog, thoughts are racing through my head, both good and not so good. I will feel easier once I know that Nancy has arrived in Atlanta safe and sound, having left here early this morning. Although her store is nowhere near opening, there are things that she can be working on so she went back to get settled before returning to her empty store on Sunday. Bruce is reading on the front porch on an absolutely beautiful day, so that's one of the good things. In fact, it rained some on Tuesday night, and while technically it was in the overnight hours, we are counting it as March. The air was so fresh yesterday morning with a lovely sunrise following the rain and a COLD front!
Indeed, the daytime temperature stayed well below 80 degrees making for a pleasant day. However, seeing as it was Bill and David's birthday with no celebrations, it was not perfect. Months ago we'd purchased gift cards to Capital Grille for their present, so that did not turn out at all as we planned. Who knows when the restaurants will reopen? David had a rough day with the market, so he was not in the best of moods when I called him and nothing I could say made it any better. I did drive Bill's card over and because he is working from home, he popped outside for a bit before needing to make a business call. At least I saw him unlike David. That said, no one is sick so we all have that to be grateful for. With the world nearly falling apart, these issues are only mentioned for when we are wondering how life was in the time of Covid-19. Not great for anyone pretty much sums it up.

Fortunately for us, we have our birds, although we sure are going to miss these little ones.
In what seems like a miracle, all ten are still with us, however, Mama has taken them out for swimming lessons in water more than an inch deep. Gliding in after their inaugural run, they will no longer be spending all of their time at the shoreline.
We were so excited to see some new Wood Ducklings as well, although they stay out in the water, perhaps explaining why only a couple usually survive.
After the overnight rain, everything took on a new and improved look, although the water is so very low.
This same morning the otters were, once again, very active. How low is the water? This guy is enjoying his fish in very shallow water, ignoring me standing but feet away.
Watching a Great Blue Heron that landed on shore, from experience I could tell it was not there for long. Up,
and away!
Aside from ducklings, which, really who can resist(?), I rarely show more than one shot of a bird, but I thought it was so interesting watching the wings as it flew across the lake.
The wing span on a GBH is between 5.5 and 6.6 feet! Perhaps that is why they look so elegant while flying and wouldn't just about any swim or diving couch just die to have their student keep their legs and feet together so precisely?

Yet another blessing for us during this challenging time is the presence of Wood Ducks, one of the prettiest types of ducks to be found.
Mostly we have stayed inside the gates, at least I have. Several mornings Bruce and Nancy played Pickleball while I sat out, resting my arm. After doing some additional research we've decided it is best that we only play with family members, meaning as soon as my arm is up to speed, we will play together. Bruce doing the washing up of the balls.
One morning he and I walked around Lake Davis and how about this gigantic Bougainvillea?
You've probably seen it before, but every year it seems to get better!

What have you been cooking? One night we had some sloppy joes and one of Bruce's favorite dishes, potato salad. Getting together with a few pals from here, six feet apart should you be concerned, we discussed the merit of said salad with or without eggs. Around here, we are most definitely in the with eggs camp.
It must have been Sunday that Nancy scored a whole chicken for us and while it was delicious roasted, I was able to make it last for three meals. Last night we had the last of it in soup, served with some homemade savory muffins.
I am most definitely pulling out all the old favorites including the simple sliced cucumbers with onions and vinegar, made more special by serving in an out of the ordinary bowl.
Last evening our Governor, Ron DeSantis ordered a 30 day shut down to life as we know it in Florida. Adding to the long list of closed places, the beaches are off limits, as are public boat ramps. Shopping for food and other necessities are okay, but other than that we are meant to be home. Outdoor exercise is permitted and the residents here are doing just that--I have never seen so many people walking around before. Because our lakes are private, Bruce can still go fishing, so most of it will be no hardship to us, but oh my word, how hard it must be for others. Then again with so many jobless right now, and everything closed, there is little money and no place to go. 

Sadly, this is all happening in what is arguably, the perfect season in Florida, when everything is in bloom and before the dreaded heat of summer begins.
Somehow, someway, we have to hope that one day this will all be a memory, albeit a nightmare. As long as the sun rises every day, there is always hope. Right?
Keep the faith my dear readers!

your friend,


p.s. Checking last night for the number of Florida cases, it stood at 6,741 with 86 deaths and the prediction is that we will not hit our peak until the first week of May. Time will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gail, I just love reading your blog. And your photographs are exceptional! I especially like your photo of the otter. 😎

Kernel Panic Loop