Wednesday, January 27, 2021

An Unexpected Blessing

To begin with, let's discuss the new look of the blog. Actually, it is a rerun of an old format that I changed to make my blog look more modern. While that was a good idea, it was more difficult to find older posts for those readers who are brand new to my humble space on the World Wide Web. I wonder if that should be capitalized? Hmmm...

As you will now see, the posts are listed on the right, going back all the way to my humble beginnings in 2007 when I was writing nearly every day, albeit very short posts. I was a college student at Valencia who detailed what it was like to be an adult learner in a sea of teenagers. My struggles with various classes, including all FOUR math ones that I was forced to take to get my degree. I was asked the other day about joining a book club and while I declined, it was nothing personal, just the feelings I've held onto since being told to read this and that during those two years. At any rate, make of it what you will.

When last we were together, I mentioned seeing the owl, thanks to the gardener. It's always a good day when I come face to face with a Barred Owl.

Such beautiful birds. After reading my last post where I raved about the film, Winged Migration,

Connie asked to borrow it, watching it the same day, followed by rave reviews today. That made me happy to learn that others can share the joy of birds. Speaking of which, I realized that I'd forgotten to show you the Black and White Warbler, aptly named.

And while I would have loved to show you the cute face, it was next to impossible because it was so tiny and moving around like crazy. 

Since January 17th I've had an obituary beside my computer, not anyone I knew personally, although having read it, I've no doubt I would have gotten along with 99 year old Lucile just fine. No, it was just that, contrary to contemporary thinking, somehow she, and I quote, "moseyed through ninety-nine years on a regimen of La Cantina steak, crossword puzzles and minimal exercise" It was a long obituary, filled with what I considered golden nuggets that I won't bore you with, that is aside from this final one..."An accomplished putterer, never in a hurry, she believed in overlooking today what could be put off until tomorrow." Apparently a recipe for a very long life! Okay, one less item on my desk.

As to our unexpected blessing, it went something like this....Saturday morning is usually a busy one in our pickleball group with quite a few players joining in. Unfortunately, although the forecast was for rain, it was meant to start in the afternoon. Instead, it began lightly raining as we arrived. As such, it was decided that the courts were too wet to play on and maybe later would work. One thing that Bruce has been working on, along with a few other men, is trying to turn one of the tennis courts into some pickleball courts because while there are a couple of tennis players in our village, there are about 30 regular pb players. As I've mentioned before, the city of Orlando is way behind the times and there are no dedicated outdoor courts in town, however, there are six in Winter Garden so we decided to head out there and take some measurements. Much to our surprise, there were four folks playing on the very wet courts.

He's watching them in the above photograph. Have I told you that he is going to be in a tournament there on St. Patrick's Day? Yes indeed, he and Denny are entering in the over 65 age bracket!! He is both nervous and excited as the day draws nigh. Anyway, when the folks finished their game, they stopped to chat with us. One of the guys was/is the COO of Margaritaville and lives nearby. While that was interesting to learn, what was even more so was the other fellow who we learned is named Mike. Having noticed his t-shirt with the USAPPA logo, along with the words, Pickleball Ambassador, we knew he would be a wealth of information. Indeed he was. Oh my goodness.

Not only is he an ambassador, he coaches and had driven over from Mims, about 70 miles away for a referee class. Because of the super wet conditions, the class was canceled, leaving him with time to chat. Not only did he chat, he began coaching us!!! Right away he pointed out that Bruce's serve was illegal, something Bruce was so happy to learn in that setting, rather that at the tournament! I won't go into too many details on the serve problem, but let's just say that he was doing it correctly before, only recently having changed it due to a misinterpretation of a new rule. As you well know, I'm new to a sport, so I've had a big hill to climb learning the skills I need to not make a total fool of myself. I've still got a long way to go, but I will say that I can't wait for Nancy to visit again in March to remind me of my progress. Mike got out on the court, and we practiced some with his helping us with our foot work and in general how to become a better player.

The weather was darn wet and dreary, so you might think that he would want to quit, however, he stayed with us for at least two hours! It was really we drove home I said to Bruce, "that's one way to make lemonade out of lemons." 

We also learned that their newly resurfaced courts hold far more water than the old ones, so they use this contraption to remove excess water.

It looks like something Mr. Peck might have dreamed up. 

In bathroom news, who knew how hard it would be to choose fixtures? I thought I'd settled on oil rubbed bronze, in part because of the windows, and in part because it just feels like it would be warm choice. Warm, you ask? Well, chrome is cold feeling and great for that vibe, however, my style is more cozy. Or so that is how I like to describe it. Turns out I don't like the Delta orb (oil rubbed bronze) much, preferring the Moen finish better. That said, I like the design of Delta more. Those are the two brands that Herbert asked that I choose from. So now I am thinking maybe I will use the bronze in the tub and shower, and a beautiful Champagne Bronze in the sinks, along with that same color for door hardware. I know it sounds crazy, thus I have not pulled the trigger on my order. Yikes!

So, remember how they had a sign on the door at the counter top place about Covid-19, refusing to allow customers in the building? Good call because I have now learned that not only does the owner have it, two of the office workers do as well! Fortunately the lady who helped me was not amongst the positive tests, however, that has left her as the only one in the office, so we are still waiting on our quote. Furthermore, while talking with Patty about my shower curtain dilemma, she spurred my creativity and I've got some fabric on the way. 

Perhaps you wonder why I frequently include weather news and if so, here's the reason. Oftentimes I will hear people make comments about the weather, maybe that it is far rainier, or the temperature is either hotter or colder in such and such a month. Well, I've got this handy thing called a blog which helps answer those questions. So I am sad to report that we had to turn the air conditioner on for two days, something I abhor in January! We've had fog and cloudy early mornings followed by mostly pleasant, if you like warm temperatures, weather. I mention the clouds because super sunrises have been hard to come by of late.

Oh who doesn't just love the colors of the male Wood Duck?

I'm very much hoping this pair will produce some babies come about March! It may have been the same day that I was looking for the White Pelicans when this guy popped out of the water, rubbing his face on the ground, sort of like Baxter used to do with rugs.

As far as the White Pelicans are concerned, after watching the film, I'm even more stoked when I see them, wondering where they have come from and where they are going. Sadly I did not get any decent shots of them, but rest assured, I will keep trying.

To take my mind off of bathroom fixture decisions, I made some peanut butter cookies, sprinkled with Kosher salt, this afternoon. Oh and the cookie jar was empty. That too. I'll sign off for now because I've got some cookie deliveries to make.

Until next time, I remain,

your friend,


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