Monday, June 28, 2021

Muscles, Tendons, Oh My!

Unintended consequences, isn't that always the way?  Or so it seems to me when I look around the world. In my case, it is my shoulder and tricep muscles that are so painful if I move them much. My wrist is still incredibly stiff, but the actual pain is far and away better at four weeks than my last break. Speaking of which, today is my three month anniversary! Therein lies my problem. During the time I was in the cast during my first break, I carried my hand palm up because the pain in my hand was too great to do otherwise. That set the stage for trouble followed by this break which is just the opposite, I can mostly carry my hand palm down.  Couple that with disuse and it is a recipe for trouble. Not only are my muscles weak, but the tendons are tight, all of which is what the therapy is meant to fix. Seemingly the recovery is up to my efforts which is no easy task. Simply amazing that something that happened in the blink of an eye could lead to this. Why, pray tell, I am surprised at that notion is just plain silly, isn't it?

My therapist on Thursday was a really sweet young woman named Michelle who began our session by massaging my hand and wrist which was very nice indeed.

Since I took the photograph, most of the scab on the scar has fallen off and I dare say that it is healing nicely. It probably helps that Dr. Patel is not only an orthopedic surgeon, but a plastic one as well. In a new twist on the sponge exercises, she had me put them between my fingers and drop then in the bowl. 

That same day Bruce took me to see Maureen for the first time in a month. It pleased me to no end that she remained awake and alert during our visit. I still can't get over that her hair is the longest I've seen it in the last 40 years. Blame it on Covid.

I've just returned from my appointment and Lisa wants me to try typing with both hands now because it is low impact and may help with my shoulder. Woo sentence down ...

The lake was so low that all of the fallen branches were providing nice perches for our resident ducks who are now in molting season.

It is particularly noticeable in the male Wood Duck pictured in the foreground swimming along with his new family. As a reminder, in their full color they are very distinctive. Since the perch photo was taken we've had at least six inches of much needed rain.

Friends continue to spoil me in more ways than I deserve including this lovely potted Anthurium from Anne.

On the eve of my surgery, Lorelei and Clinton came for a visit bringing candy and a beautiful Peace Lily that is thriving in its new home on the front porch with more blooms than I can imagine.

On Wednesday Ann and Liz picked me up for lunch around the corner at Aardvarks. I insisted we take photos in front of the colorful wall.

These long-time friends graciously accepted me as a new friend a few years ago after we began going to First Congregational.

Which reminds me.....we went there yesterday morning and were so glad we did although many are still staying away for a variety of reasons. It was my first visit since the pandemic began last March. Watching on television is no substitute for corporate worship. 

For fully vaccinated folks like ourselves the mask mandate is no longer. For the most part, it is only my medical appointments where they are required. Thursday I return to Dr. Patel for a check up on my progress when I presume they will take another x-ray to make sure things are stable. For the most part it looks good aside from one, what looks to be, errant stitch. Lisa seems to think it will resolve itself before I go, but only time will tell.

One of the biggest challenges one faces is where the heck to put ones arm while wearing a splint. In church I solved the problem by using a stack of hymnals and the pew Bible.

I am allowed to take it off at home for a bit but wear it always outdoors and while sleeping, which is going far better than a few weeks ago. Now it is not my wrist that hurts while sleeping it is my shoulder and arm. It takes a bit of shuffling in order to find a comfortable resting spot for that darn arm.

Friday night, neighbor friends Dave and Sandy took us out for an Italian dinner at Il Pescatore on Primrose and it was delicious, and so fun to be out at night. It is their son who is great friends with Dr. Patel as they went to school together and have remained very close.  As we exited the restaurant, both Sandy and I walked carefully, her recently replaced knee required caution and everyone is petrified that if I am upright I will fall again. Not true at all, but it will take time for everyone to see me as anything but a fall risk. May I remind everyone that I walked over 1,000 miles without incident during our time in Vancouver. Anyway, that exit put us in line with a cool mural was within eye sight.

Following church we had lunch at Ravenous Pig in Winter Park a place we visit infrequently, not because the food isn't great, but it can be a little pricey. Because it had be awhile ,we'd not seen their newish beer garden which was striking indeed with that wall treatment.

I wonder how long it took to paint all of the white lines on the building, not to mention another building is done with white walls and black lines? Eye catching indeed. 

Our meal was oh so tasty, beginning with these blue crab deviled eggs, topped by crispy pieces of corn.

I only wish I'd taken a shot of the mini apple turnovers we had for dessert. 

On Saturday I did most of the laundry by myself, albeit slowly. I did not even attempt putting the clean sheets on, but I gingerly folded underwear, shirts and shorts. I can now hang my dresses up by myself as well. What I still can't do is put my hair in a ponytail or do my bra. I can hold a piece of paper, hold things still like say a jar or something like that, pick up puzzle pieces, and hold my glasses when I wash them. And now it seems I can TYPE in my preferred way! My wrist is crazy sore following this effort, but it is a good start. 

I'm hoping that I will get the go-ahead to swim and use the hot tub which I think will do me good. There is a whole lot of things I still cannot do, but in the coming weeks I hope to be able to add more to the "can do"list. A girl can dream, can't she?

your friend,


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Wrinkles Welcome!

Let's begin with some exciting news today. For the first time since the pandemic began, I HAD A PEDICURE! Check this out.

Bruce took me to Nail Spaz yesterday morning and it was fantastic. Although the place name is suspect, the chairs are comfy and the workers nice. Yesterday I had Nancy who has recently moved here from Chicago. And how do I know this you ask? So I was feeling a wee bit sketchy about going because in the novel I am reading, On Earth We are Briefly Gorgeous, the narrator's Mother does nails and the depiction of how hard it is, year after year, made me cringe. A note of caution, the novel is not for everyone as there is violence in many forms depicted. 

I asked her about her job and she claimed the hardest part is the customers. It is good to be reminded that every job is difficult in its own way and deserves our respect.

As this post is meant to be upbeat, here is another good thing that has happened. We took one of Bruce's dress socks and he made me a comfortable cover for my arm that stays in place.

The fabric is very soft and there is a bonus, it is clean, A cup of tea spilled on the one I was given and it did not come out. I take both this and the splint off to do the exercises and they continue to be difficult, fortunately done without tears now. One way to think about them is if you went to the gym for the first time in ages and got very sore. But then you went back four hours later and did it again, and again in another four hours. Because it has been 85 days without the use of my hand it is stiff and sore. The pain, you will be happy to learn is minimal until I push myself to do the exercises, over and over. One thing that is helping is I am using an old friend, the heating pad.

I wrap my hand for about ten minutes and it helps to loosen my joints.  Every little thing I can find to make it easier is a blessing.

On Saturday afternoon I accompanied Bruce to Bill and Fallon's house where I sat on the couch while others were busy. Giuliana, Fallon's best friend, came over to decorate for the party to be held that evening. In exceptional news, she is getting closer to graduating from er corse work to be a Nurse Practitioner! 

Bruce and Bill had a deadline to finish the closet by her birthday and they made it just in time. Woo hoo!

For the longest time I've had a magnet on our refrigerator, a quote from Mark Twain that reads, "wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been". I seriously have no recollection buying it, in part because I generally don't go in for, shall we say, inspirational quotes. Plus magnets are what I buy while traveling. Inexpensive and reminders of special times.  So where am I going with this? Beats me!

Seriously, no one really likes wrinkles that is unless you had some and they have gone AWOL. As such, when I got up this morning I was encouraged to see a tiny bit of wrinkling on my thumb. Hold your hand out and look at your thumb? See all the lines around your joint? For 85 days now, I've had a thumb devoid of those lines. A stump, if you will.  Is there light at the end of the tunnel? By golly, I think there is!

Kelly was my therapist today while Lisa is in New Jersey. She was super good, massaging my thumb and never admonishing me for putting my elbows on the table. Plus I played with toys! Check out this progress!

When I told her that I had done the foam blocks with relative ease at my last session, she had me graduate to three blocks.

Damn exciting stuff. Am I on my way yet? It seems like it.  

There are more ducklings! Peek-a-boo!

This week the mail brought something amazing, a quilted card that is a beautiful piece of art.

Made by the talented Sharleen, the founder of our local chapter of Days For Girls, it is exquisitely done and the generosity of this gift overwhelmed me with gratitude. I can't wait to show it to Ann, a fellow quilter and artist, when she and Liz pick me up tomorrow for lunch. Oops, Liz will appreciate it as well because she, too, is an artist.

Can you believe it? I am going places again.  In another few months, I may just be a new woman.😀

We watched an excellent, albeit sad, documentary the other day, that you might enjoy.

Finally my darling Bruce enjoyed a fine Father's Day, going out to lunch with Bill and David and having a lengthy chat with Jonathan. Matt called from London but his dad was doing one of his favorite activities, playing pickleball, when the call came in. 

Keeping the positivity going, I remain, your friend,


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

And the Beat Goes On

It has been a very long time since last I shed tears while reading a novel. Today was the day the streak came to an end. The title, The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett, is well, brilliant. A charming story of an 85 year old woman who thinks she has nothing to live for, discovers by story's end, that just the opposite is true. A wonderful novel from beginning to end!

Perhaps tears flowed easily because, well, tears have been flowing easily of late. In fact. I've been reduced to tears the last three mornings and that does not count the ones from reading. It is a combination of things; between the misery of therapy and feeling sorry for myself, I am a bit overwhelmed. The actual everyday pain is very manageable when I'm not doing the prescribed exercises, so I can't blame it on that. And while everyone tells me to be patient, it is not in my nature and that's all there is to it! 

With that in mind, let's take a look at the physical reality, shall we?

But of course.

During Monday's session, my new therapist Lisa, said if the steri-strips don't come off in the shower I will take them off on Wednesday and so she did.

Let me tell you, it hurt like the dickens because of two factors. One, my arms are super hairy, and two, my skin is ridiculously sensitive at the moment. She removed the splint on Monday and was making yet another one, this time temporary,

when I asked if I could use my own instead? Absolutely was her reply, and after a quick call to my beloved, I was all set, or so I thought. Wearing it to bed it cut into the sorest spot of all and even the pleasure of a hot shower did not relieve the discomfort. It was then that I called upon our friend, Gayle, one of the three amigos with a broken wrist in our village. Remember how she mostly sailed through it? She has been wise enough not to repeat the experience, whereas I seem to be a glutton for punishment! At any rate, Bruce was dispatched returning with two choices along with a surprise Reese's Peanut Butter cup in the bag. My neighbors!! They have been unreal to say the least. Yesterday afternoon, out of the clear blue, Heidi sent a text saying she was arriving with dinner shortly. Oh my goodness, could this basket of goodies/cheer be any cuter?

Seriously. The chili was fantastic and me and Premium saltines go way back!

Going back to the splint, this one is a God-send because of the open area below my thumb joint that is still crazy stiff and sore.

Not to mention swollen and sporting a thinner layer of skin than is normal. Yup--peeled off again. At any rate, I had a decent sleep last night which goes a long way for mental and physical health.

Lisa is different than Darlene pushing me harder and faster. I left Monday's session with homework in the form of 10 exercises, most of which are meant to be done four times a day. They are ridiculously easy to do without an injury and tear-inducing with one. Let's face it. my arm has been useless now for nearly 80 days. 

Yesterday I managed three sessions, only one of which made me nauseous and tearful. 

This morning I was back in the chair across from Lisa doing all manner of things including picking up each foam piece and putting into the bowl. This, I performed with flying colors.

I am on my own now until my next session on Tuesday. It is hard to make myself do the homework, but I must if I want to regain use of my hand!

Remember I said we would revisit the scene of the crime? We did and while I cannot be sure of it, this uneven pavement might have been the culprit.

Of note is the low water level in Lake Davis due to our very long dry spell which might have finally come to an end this week. After threatening for days, we finally got rain. In fact it raining now.

Here's hoping it dries out in the next few hours as I know some male pickleball players who will be very disappointed if it does not.

With my wound nearly healed, I should be able to get out more which is welcome news. I did manage a short walk along our lake.

Pretty, isn't it?  Much to my surprise there are still some ducklings, although since I took this, two have succumbed to predators.

And just when I think that nothing new will appear in this space, I am wrong. Two weeks ago, guys came to spray the invasive shore weeds and don'y they look interesting?

I'm remembering an early conversation with Tom at the beginning of this saga about preparing food with one hand. Well, I am getting better at it by the day, using new tricks like this one.

Using a small rubber spatula I remove a glob and put it on the opened lid, using a knife to spread it. And no, I don't have to do it as Bruce stands ready, but I WANT to feel a tiny bit capable.

During her assessment Lisa asked me what I like to do gauging how active I was prior to my mishaps. The list was long. Today she admonished me to be patient and not minimize the severity of things. Apparently she has already got me pegged as a go-getter who, sadly has had to put the brakes on. Before this, I'm not sure I knew how.

Before I close, to each and every one of you who have sent cards, candy, flowers, a pillowcase, food and words of encouragement, please accept my sincerest thanks. Bruce seconds that thought!

your friend,


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Two Outings!

 Actually I had three outings in a matter of days and only one was a visit to the doctor! Pretty thrilling news to say the least. Against my better judgement, and the advice of my doctor, I tried packing too much in one day. While I enjoyed myself at the time, it was a seriously stupid move to visit with friends poolside in yesterday afternoons blazing heat.  Although I was mostly in the shade, I paid the price when I got home and my arm swelled in the splint. It is crazy hard to stay indoors most of the time while everyone else is having fun, however, with any luck it will only be a few more weeks, so that is what I shall do.

What you really want to know about is the visit to Dr. Patel's office, so here goes.

A lot has changed since I spent my days taking x-rays, not the least of which is the advent of digital. Just as it was for taking photographs, there was waiting involved while the film was developed. In 1973, when I went to school at Winter Park Memorial Hospital, processing took 3.5 minutes which seemed like an eternity when you were waiting to see if all your films came out while doing a barium enema. Oh how difficult for the patient if you were unsure whether you had the proper settings for each of the five views! Being the relatively confidant person that I am, another way of saying that I am an optimist, I would usually drain the fluid after taking the films, but every now and again, say if someone weighed a large amount, doubt would creep in and I prayed they could hold it while I checked my films. In those days everything was manual, so you had to keep a slew of "techniques" in your head. Eventually more automatic ways of doing things came along, sort of like using the auto setting on your camera. Oh wait, you use your phone which is automatic! There was a lot of heavy lifting as the film holders, called cassettes, weighed far more than you would think. Lots of these thoughts came into my mind when I had, yet another, x-ray Thursday. 

One cassette for every view with instantaneous results! I stopped the girl to get my camera out of my purse and she did not like me much in that moment.  Explaining that I was a blogger, she relented. As an aside, I only just realized that I am in my 15th year of blogging. Whoa Nelly!

Next stop was the exam room where I took the photo below while waiting. Our post op instructions said to call if the bleeding came through the outer bandages. Apparently I did not bleed all that much.

Dr. Patel told me that it is healing well and he wants me to begin therapy, 3X weekly, ASAP. This time I called one of the providers on our drive home and not only are they super close, but my appointment is for Monday at 1:00. To tell you the truth, the thought makes me nervous, but I will do my best. Before the latest splint went on, here's what the surgery site looks like.

Apparently the stitches are meant to dissolve over time. I also realized that from the beginning of this unfortunate saga, I am wearing my sixth splint! My hand and fingers remain swollen, however both that and the pain is crazy better than the last go-round. A little out of order as things unfolded, I had Brucer photograph me in splint #6 for posterity.

Should you be wondering, it is darn hot and uncomfortable, although this one is somewhat better than the last, allowing me to get some much needed sleep. Of note is the fact that I put on bracelets and my hair is in sort of a bun, courtesy of Bruce. While I care little about jewelry, I do love watches, particularly Skagen, and I have very much missed wearing one.

Books ordered from the library have been slow to arrive meaning I have been scouring my own for ones I have not read. Both of these turned out to be very readable.

And this one.

When we moved, getting rid of books was among the casualties.

Woo hoo! Bruce helped me with the frame and I managed to finish the puzzle.

It is so cheerful I've yet to put it away.

Exhausting my bookshelves, on our way to the museum, we stopped at the downtown library where this beautiful dress display greeted us upon arrival.Oh how my sister Maureen would have loved to have seen these. Because she does not answer her phone, we can only assume that she is no worse.

Lots of days Bruce offers to take me somewhere and most of those days I decline. On Friday, after browsing the local art magazine given to me by Michelle,  an indoor activity presented itself. A visit to the Orlando Art Museum was in order.

In my early days of selling, I had an abstract version of this fountain in my bins. At that time, the fountain aspect wasn't working nearly as well as yesterday.

Let's go inside, shall we? A Pride month selfie backdrop on the left in the lobby.

The largest exhibit was the Florida Prize for Contemporary Art, some of which was interesting.  Bruce did not know I was taking his photo as he tries making sense of this work.

Proving the point that most anything can be made into art, I share with you a dreams project.

It was a delightful surprise to run into an old friend, Barry who was there with some buddies. It has been ages and ages since I last saw my bald-headed friend.

There is a wing with, I believe part of the permanent collection, impressive African art including these.

Walking into the darkened room with this suspended from the ceiling is quite the experience. Something like 1,200 LED lights, I kept thinking about the difficulty of the installation.  Although all  lit in this shot, there is a bunch of flashing on and off in real time.

In one of the oddest things I've seen presented as art was the one entitled "Drifting Cabinets" where this is but one of said cabinets.

All manner of small life presented in a series of opened trunks that are meant to be transported via bicycles.  Should you be interested, click on the link above. 

There was plenty more of note but this gal was getting weary of carrying a heavy arm around so we will have to return, sooner, rather than later. Before we leave though, this was a striking piece in the farm exhibit area, meant to highlight the modern farm's dependence on fuel. Note the corn cobs for their surreal depiction.

And then we went the few blocks to one of our favorite restaurants, Hawkers, last visited who knows when. I will have a little more to say about that fun time in my next post but now it is time to see how many clean clothes I can fold using only my right hand. I am getting better as each day passes.

your friend,


Kernel Panic Loop