Monday, June 28, 2021

Muscles, Tendons, Oh My!

Unintended consequences, isn't that always the way?  Or so it seems to me when I look around the world. In my case, it is my shoulder and tricep muscles that are so painful if I move them much. My wrist is still incredibly stiff, but the actual pain is far and away better at four weeks than my last break. Speaking of which, today is my three month anniversary! Therein lies my problem. During the time I was in the cast during my first break, I carried my hand palm up because the pain in my hand was too great to do otherwise. That set the stage for trouble followed by this break which is just the opposite, I can mostly carry my hand palm down.  Couple that with disuse and it is a recipe for trouble. Not only are my muscles weak, but the tendons are tight, all of which is what the therapy is meant to fix. Seemingly the recovery is up to my efforts which is no easy task. Simply amazing that something that happened in the blink of an eye could lead to this. Why, pray tell, I am surprised at that notion is just plain silly, isn't it?

My therapist on Thursday was a really sweet young woman named Michelle who began our session by massaging my hand and wrist which was very nice indeed.

Since I took the photograph, most of the scab on the scar has fallen off and I dare say that it is healing nicely. It probably helps that Dr. Patel is not only an orthopedic surgeon, but a plastic one as well. In a new twist on the sponge exercises, she had me put them between my fingers and drop then in the bowl. 

That same day Bruce took me to see Maureen for the first time in a month. It pleased me to no end that she remained awake and alert during our visit. I still can't get over that her hair is the longest I've seen it in the last 40 years. Blame it on Covid.

I've just returned from my appointment and Lisa wants me to try typing with both hands now because it is low impact and may help with my shoulder. Woo sentence down ...

The lake was so low that all of the fallen branches were providing nice perches for our resident ducks who are now in molting season.

It is particularly noticeable in the male Wood Duck pictured in the foreground swimming along with his new family. As a reminder, in their full color they are very distinctive. Since the perch photo was taken we've had at least six inches of much needed rain.

Friends continue to spoil me in more ways than I deserve including this lovely potted Anthurium from Anne.

On the eve of my surgery, Lorelei and Clinton came for a visit bringing candy and a beautiful Peace Lily that is thriving in its new home on the front porch with more blooms than I can imagine.

On Wednesday Ann and Liz picked me up for lunch around the corner at Aardvarks. I insisted we take photos in front of the colorful wall.

These long-time friends graciously accepted me as a new friend a few years ago after we began going to First Congregational.

Which reminds me.....we went there yesterday morning and were so glad we did although many are still staying away for a variety of reasons. It was my first visit since the pandemic began last March. Watching on television is no substitute for corporate worship. 

For fully vaccinated folks like ourselves the mask mandate is no longer. For the most part, it is only my medical appointments where they are required. Thursday I return to Dr. Patel for a check up on my progress when I presume they will take another x-ray to make sure things are stable. For the most part it looks good aside from one, what looks to be, errant stitch. Lisa seems to think it will resolve itself before I go, but only time will tell.

One of the biggest challenges one faces is where the heck to put ones arm while wearing a splint. In church I solved the problem by using a stack of hymnals and the pew Bible.

I am allowed to take it off at home for a bit but wear it always outdoors and while sleeping, which is going far better than a few weeks ago. Now it is not my wrist that hurts while sleeping it is my shoulder and arm. It takes a bit of shuffling in order to find a comfortable resting spot for that darn arm.

Friday night, neighbor friends Dave and Sandy took us out for an Italian dinner at Il Pescatore on Primrose and it was delicious, and so fun to be out at night. It is their son who is great friends with Dr. Patel as they went to school together and have remained very close.  As we exited the restaurant, both Sandy and I walked carefully, her recently replaced knee required caution and everyone is petrified that if I am upright I will fall again. Not true at all, but it will take time for everyone to see me as anything but a fall risk. May I remind everyone that I walked over 1,000 miles without incident during our time in Vancouver. Anyway, that exit put us in line with a cool mural was within eye sight.

Following church we had lunch at Ravenous Pig in Winter Park a place we visit infrequently, not because the food isn't great, but it can be a little pricey. Because it had be awhile ,we'd not seen their newish beer garden which was striking indeed with that wall treatment.

I wonder how long it took to paint all of the white lines on the building, not to mention another building is done with white walls and black lines? Eye catching indeed. 

Our meal was oh so tasty, beginning with these blue crab deviled eggs, topped by crispy pieces of corn.

I only wish I'd taken a shot of the mini apple turnovers we had for dessert. 

On Saturday I did most of the laundry by myself, albeit slowly. I did not even attempt putting the clean sheets on, but I gingerly folded underwear, shirts and shorts. I can now hang my dresses up by myself as well. What I still can't do is put my hair in a ponytail or do my bra. I can hold a piece of paper, hold things still like say a jar or something like that, pick up puzzle pieces, and hold my glasses when I wash them. And now it seems I can TYPE in my preferred way! My wrist is crazy sore following this effort, but it is a good start. 

I'm hoping that I will get the go-ahead to swim and use the hot tub which I think will do me good. There is a whole lot of things I still cannot do, but in the coming weeks I hope to be able to add more to the "can do"list. A girl can dream, can't she?

your friend,


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