Wednesday, June 16, 2021

And the Beat Goes On

It has been a very long time since last I shed tears while reading a novel. Today was the day the streak came to an end. The title, The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett, is well, brilliant. A charming story of an 85 year old woman who thinks she has nothing to live for, discovers by story's end, that just the opposite is true. A wonderful novel from beginning to end!

Perhaps tears flowed easily because, well, tears have been flowing easily of late. In fact. I've been reduced to tears the last three mornings and that does not count the ones from reading. It is a combination of things; between the misery of therapy and feeling sorry for myself, I am a bit overwhelmed. The actual everyday pain is very manageable when I'm not doing the prescribed exercises, so I can't blame it on that. And while everyone tells me to be patient, it is not in my nature and that's all there is to it! 

With that in mind, let's take a look at the physical reality, shall we?

But of course.

During Monday's session, my new therapist Lisa, said if the steri-strips don't come off in the shower I will take them off on Wednesday and so she did.

Let me tell you, it hurt like the dickens because of two factors. One, my arms are super hairy, and two, my skin is ridiculously sensitive at the moment. She removed the splint on Monday and was making yet another one, this time temporary,

when I asked if I could use my own instead? Absolutely was her reply, and after a quick call to my beloved, I was all set, or so I thought. Wearing it to bed it cut into the sorest spot of all and even the pleasure of a hot shower did not relieve the discomfort. It was then that I called upon our friend, Gayle, one of the three amigos with a broken wrist in our village. Remember how she mostly sailed through it? She has been wise enough not to repeat the experience, whereas I seem to be a glutton for punishment! At any rate, Bruce was dispatched returning with two choices along with a surprise Reese's Peanut Butter cup in the bag. My neighbors!! They have been unreal to say the least. Yesterday afternoon, out of the clear blue, Heidi sent a text saying she was arriving with dinner shortly. Oh my goodness, could this basket of goodies/cheer be any cuter?

Seriously. The chili was fantastic and me and Premium saltines go way back!

Going back to the splint, this one is a God-send because of the open area below my thumb joint that is still crazy stiff and sore.

Not to mention swollen and sporting a thinner layer of skin than is normal. Yup--peeled off again. At any rate, I had a decent sleep last night which goes a long way for mental and physical health.

Lisa is different than Darlene pushing me harder and faster. I left Monday's session with homework in the form of 10 exercises, most of which are meant to be done four times a day. They are ridiculously easy to do without an injury and tear-inducing with one. Let's face it. my arm has been useless now for nearly 80 days. 

Yesterday I managed three sessions, only one of which made me nauseous and tearful. 

This morning I was back in the chair across from Lisa doing all manner of things including picking up each foam piece and putting into the bowl. This, I performed with flying colors.

I am on my own now until my next session on Tuesday. It is hard to make myself do the homework, but I must if I want to regain use of my hand!

Remember I said we would revisit the scene of the crime? We did and while I cannot be sure of it, this uneven pavement might have been the culprit.

Of note is the low water level in Lake Davis due to our very long dry spell which might have finally come to an end this week. After threatening for days, we finally got rain. In fact it raining now.

Here's hoping it dries out in the next few hours as I know some male pickleball players who will be very disappointed if it does not.

With my wound nearly healed, I should be able to get out more which is welcome news. I did manage a short walk along our lake.

Pretty, isn't it?  Much to my surprise there are still some ducklings, although since I took this, two have succumbed to predators.

And just when I think that nothing new will appear in this space, I am wrong. Two weeks ago, guys came to spray the invasive shore weeds and don'y they look interesting?

I'm remembering an early conversation with Tom at the beginning of this saga about preparing food with one hand. Well, I am getting better at it by the day, using new tricks like this one.

Using a small rubber spatula I remove a glob and put it on the opened lid, using a knife to spread it. And no, I don't have to do it as Bruce stands ready, but I WANT to feel a tiny bit capable.

During her assessment Lisa asked me what I like to do gauging how active I was prior to my mishaps. The list was long. Today she admonished me to be patient and not minimize the severity of things. Apparently she has already got me pegged as a go-getter who, sadly has had to put the brakes on. Before this, I'm not sure I knew how.

Before I close, to each and every one of you who have sent cards, candy, flowers, a pillowcase, food and words of encouragement, please accept my sincerest thanks. Bruce seconds that thought!

your friend,


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