Thursday, January 6, 2022

A Birthday Birding Trip and Celebration Too

When last we met, I mentioned that Michelle, who loves all things birthday, was doing her best to get me to celebrate mine. It worked. She, as is always the case, went all out bringing roses, a wrapped package,  other gifts and ordering enough pizza for a week. Lest I forget the cake...

Lemon, it was. Not only did it look wonderful, the taste was super yummy too. 

The reason I was so specific about a wrapped package is it is kind of a running joke around these parts because Mr. Peck is such a powerhouse when it comes to wrapping. Not a one of us can compete with his mad skills. Although I thought I'd photographed what is in the box I have not, so until I do, it will remain a mystery.

Actually, I made it easy on the family with gift suggestions. Bill and Fallon got me some new shoes for pickleball. I'd still not had the nerve to wear the new ones I'd fallen in, so as it was way past time to replace my old pair, I asked for these. Now that I've worn them a few times, eventually I imagine when these wear out I'll be long past my fear of the KSwiss I'd purchased only weeks before my original fall.

Before we could do any celebrating, the tree had to come down and I was very happy that Bruce did most of it.

He's still in his pickleball outfit because, you guessed it, that's what we did on the morning of December 31. Turns out we did the same as last year according to this post.  There are some interesting thoughts as to where we were in the pandemic in that post. My predictions were wildly incorrect to say the least!
The purpose of the photo above is not to brag about the open door and sunny day to those in colder climates, but to show off above the door. When Bruce was in the storage unit he found two remaining canvases of mine and darn if it didn't make me happy to re-live the joy of the moment when I saw this heart-shaped cloud. So happy, in fact, that I've put it right up there to enjoy every day.

Before Jonathan and Alissa left, they gave me a wonderful cup/mug from Seattle and some of the best tea made. Seriously, Harney & Sons for the win!
We had pizza, pizza and more pizza along with some premium adult beverages. I neglected to try the champagne, but the rotating door of the box was enough to convince me that I really missed something.
Of course the college football playoffs were on and to be honest, the games turned out to be pretty predictable. The Saturday slate was far more exciting. I wish I could report that we stayed up until midnight but we did not. I'm just not a late night gal. Wait, what should I be calling myself? Late night gal just sounds better than late night lady, or so I think, anyway.

The roses continue to evolve;  gosh they are pretty.
I may have been a little hasty in my concern over the tree because while it has dropped plenty of fronds, new ones are sprouting everywhere. Whew!
A birding trip is what I ask for as a birthday gift and while I thought we would go on my actual birthday, pickleball took precedence. Saturday the same, Sunday church, Monday we taught some friends from church how to play pickleball.

Finally, on Tuesday, we went birding. 

Bruce is such a great companion because he is so patient with me and although he is not as wildly enthusiastic about birds, he does love all things related to nature. Seriously, what's not to like, right? Anyway, he drove us over to Blackpoint Wildlife Drive on Merritt Island, and it was a glorious day. 
Younger birders try to get to their destination before sunrise, however, we are no longer young and Bruce drives in the dark only if he has to!

The hot weather has abated for now, so with temperatures in the low 70's, it was super pleasant having the windows down as we drove slowly in order not to miss a thing. Before long before beauty found us.
While we are mostly there for the birds, it is hard not to be taken in by the beauty of the winter grasses. Creeping along we saw a car pulled over and I got out to see what he was seeing. With his scope he identified a group of Ring Necked ducks which he kindly pointed out to me.
Here's a closer look.
Aren't they cool? There is a little ring on their bill.

Mangroves line and dot the large, shallow ponds of water. With the gorgeous blue sky reflecting in the water...oh my!
Many of the bodies of water have no waterfowl but when you see this kind of thing, get ready to stop.
Oh my goodness, we hit the mother-load! 
Not only were there White Pelicans, but loads of other birds I rarely see. On every trip I am hoping we will see Roseate Spoonbills and I got my birthday wish!
Their color is so striking they stick out like the proverbial sore thumb. I'm hoping this means the pelicans will be arriving on our lake before long.
In the foreground there is an American Avecot, and a Reddish Egret. 
Only one more ok?
I lied!
Can you blame me for getting carried away? 

Reluctantly we carried on, coming to a spot where you can take a little walk to a tower for looking further afield. Because I always do on my birthday birding trips, I had Bruce take a photo of me. 
Yup, it was pretty windy. He did get one without the wind, but where's the story in that kind of photograph?

Exiting the drive after seeing very little, aside from a few gators, we next stopped at the park alongside the causeway where I was hoping to see more birds. Indeed.
Black Skimmers galore lined the shore and then....
Needless to say, it was thrilling.

Before leaving we had lunch at Dixie Crossroads, a Titusville mainstay, having been in business since 1983. It is a huge restaurant seating over 400 with a fairly dated decor, but excellent food. 
Canaveral Browns was what the server called the shrimp, fresh caught not far from where we were seated. The ladies restroom, well, about that dated decor.
At any rate, it is the food people come for not the decor! Black toilets anyone? 

Once home our friend Patti came over with my birthday present and while the present is fantastic, it was really the card she thought was perfect for me. 
She knows me pretty well, don't you think? :)

All in all, a very good birthday and birding!

your friend,



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