Monday, May 2, 2022

Nostalgia, for One Thing

 Pennies from Heaven is the name of this old post that if you never read any of the provided links, in this case you should make an exception. As is so often the case, while searching my blog for one thing, I come across another that brings me joy.  Pennies from Heaven is one such post. I swear it will bring a smile to your face.

With that out of the way, let's talk last week. You won't be surprised to learn that it was mostly about birds and pickleball, the later subject of which has been a relative newcomer to this space. Generally I do my best not to bore you with it too much, however, with an inaugural tournament at Dover Shores this past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, well there's a lot to say about it! And no, we did not play! Although I am slightly improving, I am most definitely not ready for primetime!!

But let's start with bird stuff, shall we?

In what seemed almost magical, looking out the window a few days ago, just before sunrise, I saw white across the lake. Probably an Egret I thought, but satisfying my curiosity, I went out to investigate. And what to my wondering eyes should appear? 

Sadly, before long it was gone, came back that evening, and has not returned since. Having not seen it for probably a month or so, it was a welcome sight.

Speaking of swans, on one of the few days when I did not play pickleball in the morning, I went over to Lake Davis to check on the cygnets, pictured in my last post. Should you have missed it, clicking on the link will take you there. I left sad because one of them has disappeared.  Anyway now there is one which looks almost double in size since last I visited.

It wasn't all bad though because I came across a Wood duck and her clan.

For unknown reasons, this has not been a good year for ducklings, as I've seen very few. How do I know that? Pure speculation really, but generally we have several batches on our lake and to date, I've seen only one duckling! 

That same day I saw another shorebird that I'm thinking is a juvenile Little Blue Heron, along with a soft-shelled turtle, a creature oftentimes responsible for missing ducklings. All part of the great big food chain.

Earlier I had gone not once, but twice, searching for the owls, with one of the trips yielding results.

Nearly giving up, there they were, albeit mostly obscured by new Cypress needles. Talk about bringing me joy!

Patty texted that she'd spotted a Roseate Spoonbill in the drainage ditch that runs along nearby Raeford Road. Basically on the other side of our lake.  Talk about a find!! Holy Cow, I am on my way! Not only was there a Spoonbill, but there was a Great Blue Heron, Little Blue Heron, Wood ducks, and a Wood Stork.  Absolutely amazing!

The above picture is just for fun, the one below is for scale, as well as showing off the wonderful color of this elusive bird.

How water remains in the ditch is beyond me as we are parched around these parts, having had no measurable rain in ages! Thus, it is plenty HOT!

As you know, I've been watching the Heron's nest across the lake and after hearing some chattering in the early morning, I knew we had an hatchling. My zoom is only so good, but I think you can just about see the little one.

Susan was recently telling me about a man who apparently loves to take photographs in Cocoa Beach where she is now the happy owner of a condo. Listening to her description of the fine work he does, I mentioned to her that so often it is about familiarity. Visiting a place you only scratch the surface, living someplace, the opportunities to take photographs are endless. Although you've seen me post photos of our beautiful Wood ducks before, there's always something new to capture because they are so close. 
Having a bath she's shared her water droplets which have landed on his back. One bird that is out behind us and is getting no love from the neighbors is the Limpkin who is driving Connie crazy with his nighttime screeching! 

Although I've been searching for little Limpkins, it has been futile!

Having exhausted the subject of birds, let's talk pickleball! Friday morning the LPV clan came out to support Leslie and Dunrey as they played women's doubles.

How Peg can wear jeans in this heat is mind boggling to me, but that's beside the point isn't it? She likes them Gail! Note the very big man about midway down. In a neat coincidence, he and his wife have been playing with us at DS which made him interested in the tournament. Well, by golly, to his right is Dennis who he'd not seen in ages and ages. Turns out Dennis was his old boss and in their wedding. Pickleball is all about bringing old and new friends together. 

 Dunrey (l) and Leslie with the rest of our crowd outside the fence.

Leslie, in the foreground is the one who really started this whole thing, having been the first one to play the sport over in Daytona Beach Shores. Her first date, with her now husband Greg, was playing pickleball! The two of them are responsible for sharing the joy with our community. On Sunday they won a Silver Medal in mixed doubles. Yup there were a bunch of us taking their photograph!

Saturday Ryan and Greg played men's doubles.

As did Denny and his partner Dave.

You have to hand it to Denny because although he mostly does not act his age, he is older than we are and he played both days under the relentless sun which is enough to wear anyone down. 

Sunday he and Yvette played mixed doubles. Meaning they played four teams, having to win two out of three in each match. Yvette looks fresh as a daisy in the shot below.

By the fourth match she was cramping, Denny was near a heat stroke, but with sheer determination they came out winners!

So if you were wondering where we were all weekend, now you now! I am so proud of all of them, but mostly the ladies, all of whom have never before played in a tournament. Allegedly you should never say never, but in my case, I'm pretty sure I will never play in a tournament.  But then again, last year  at this time I was still in my cast wondering if I would play again, so you just never know what the future holds. Ha ha, when I wrote that post, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what was next to happen to me!

your friend,


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