Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Lot of Ground to Cover

It might have been the wind. Or maybe the cold? More than likely it was the spin on the ball that caused me to, in the words of one who witnessed it, crash and burn. I am nursing some sore spots, but otherwise I seem to be okay. When it happened, not so much. 

As it was, both Bruce and I were dressed in our shorts and skorts with several layers on top. Well, I am here to tell you, those outfits were no match for the weather. Instead of our usual arrival time, we first went and did our shopping and then to the courts around 10:00. Maybe ten people were there allowing for three full courts of play upon our arrival. I was skeptical because of the 36 degree temp, but of course the lure is great when you are standing adjacent to the court so I relented. Bad choice. When the ball dropped short in the court, landing funny because of both the wind and the spin, I ran forward to get it. One witness said the ball went under my foot causing the fall, another thinks it was forward momentum. Me, I am going with the spinning ball under my feet as I am generally sure-footed, believe it or not! Nonetheless, I landed on all fours and I am here to tell you it was no fun at all. Both hands hurt like mad because of both the impact and the nearly freezing temperature. Lori was kind enough to lend me her gloves, as well as cover my bare legs with her jacket while Bruce got a quilt out of the car. My right knee is scraped, but fortunately not badly. My left hand is still hurting but it should following such great impact. As long time readers know, that wrist has given me problems ever since my breaks, so it is no surprise at all that it hurts now. Anyway, I spent the remainder of the day in the RECLINER with both an ice pack and heating pad and I feel much improved this morning. 

Let's hope so because I am far behind in my posts! Onward.....

If you ever wondered about the difference in eggs, wonder no more!

Amazing how orange that brown egg yolk is! I had cracked these for something and now I can't remember what it was! My nearly 70 year old brain is all I can say. Anyway, it impressed me and I figured it might impress you as well, so why not make it the lead photo??

Our Thanksgiving was lovely with just the two of us because, although our sons and families were far away physically, we spent considerable time on the phone with two of them. Plus, we began this wonderful life as a couple. so we know how to be happy as such. The day began chilly, but not so much it kept us from taking a walk along the river before cooking.

While we are here I have been encouraging the man of the house to learn more cooking skills and he has taken it to heart, making the apple pie from scratch on Wednesday.

I believe we used Ambrosia apples and it was delicious, so much so that the baker had to sample it the day before the big day.

Everything turned out beautifully! And yes, we did buy a 13 pound turkey that has served us well for about four more days! The jigsaw puzzle on the table was super fun with both of us contributing to it's completion.

I brought it along with a few others thinking they would be a good way to spend time when the weather is inclement, as I expect it to be. 

I've decided that Fairy Cross bottle shop is like our neighborhood pub where folks gather to visit. We do have a glass of wine or two, but it is the camaraderie that is what's really special.

I believe it was this night that we met two CNN international journalists who are covering the war in Gaza. I have said it before, but it bears repeating, that you "never know who you will meet in Murphy." Not only is night falling earlier and earlier but by golly, we had a super sunset the other night, something I must admit I have been missing from our Florida life.

That would be the Murphy Art Center, barely visible in the quickening darkness, where our friend Linda will be playing the dulcimer on Friday night during the monthly art walk. I cannot wait to hear her! Of course there is the threat of rain which is a huge bummer because it is the night of the Christmas tree lighting! If you've watched any Hallmark Christmas movies you are well aware of how important that is to small town life. A window decorating contest is happening and the parade is scheduled for Saturday night. Where you can find the hot chocolate is unknown to me at this juncture, but I will be sure to report back should I find it in abundance!

Nancy has been such a help during our absence as has Bill who are both helping to keep the MINI going. If you can imagine, well I've no doubt that you can, but our mail has been a problem again in spite of me setting it up in advance. Anyway, I asked her to check our mailbox after more than two weeks of no mail and you guessed it, full as can be. She went straight to the nearby post office, filling the envelope with things like a new Medicare card for Bruce, as well as our car insurance cards. Yikes!! They claim it is sorted out, but a phone call will have to be placed, yet again. So that came in the mail from her last week and just yesterday she sent a brand new ornament of our favorite bird! She wanted us to have a personal one and she hit the mark big time.

We don't see nearly enough Cardinals for my liking, however, in the last week or so, one has been coming around including this freezing morning. As in today! Note the nectar in the hummingbird feeder!

I believe it was 28 when we got up this morning? Of course I had to go out and explore this cold world. 

The Beaver Moon in the morning sky.

A single deer was grazing at the end of the driveway.

That is somewhat surprising because for the most part we have lately been seeing them in small herds!

Obviously we are thrilled! 

Can you believe their color? 

During my Monday afternoon walk Matt and Tom called via Facetime and we had a lovely chat. I keep wondering if I will have much to photograph during the short, cold winter days, but gee whiz, interesting things just keeps appearing. I actually had to put the phone down on the ground when this happened in front of me. The color of this Bluebird is just fantastic!

Here is what is called a Burning Bush losing it's leaves but leaving berries behind for our avian friends.

Although this photo is rubbish it is documentation that I saw a Dark Eyed Junco! I wondered for a long time why they did not trim this bush and now I know why. I think Laura told me it is a Forsythia? Whatever it is, multiple birds are loving it for perching. 
I told you I went out exploring with my camera this morning and here's something I learned. Do not leave your equipment in the car overnight when the temperature plunges below freezing. It was finicky when I tried using it so no good photos of my first ever sighting of an Eastern Towhee here in Murphy!! Just pretend I took this Western Towhee here in Murphy rather than in Stanley Park in Vancouver! They look very similar. 
Indeed, if all else fails there is the changing morning sky, so often filled with fog. Speaking of Vancouver, I remember one day getting turned around while walking there as the fog was so dense I had no sense of direction. Should you care to go back in time here is the post about that. It also has a photo of our tiny Christmas tree and Baxter as well. 
All this typing is really helping my hand as is the ace bandage that we got from J & L who supply us with not only a beautiful place to live but all manner of things we don't have. A rolling pin for instance that hopefully we will use a little later today to roll out the gingerbread dough I made on Sunday afternoon. 

It's a wonderful life.

your friend,


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