Thursday, November 9, 2023

All the Leaves are Brown

While not true, it is a catchy title isn't it? Of course one has to be of a certain age to get it but most of you are, or so I imagine. A deep rust is what is most prevalent and it is good. Very good. I am taking pictures like mad as I encounter new stands of trees in different light. On my Monday afternoon walk, done while Bruce was doing his thing, the light was lovely, as were the trees along the river.

The day began cold, but warmed up nicely, so much so that no jacket was necessary and in fact, I was wearing a tank top by the time I made it into town to wait for my ride. While we were home, Bruce and I did loads of activities apart, but now that we are back to one car again, we spend lots of time together which suits us just fine.

My last post ended with a photograph of me wearing my Uggs in a sea of leaves. This post, once again will include my shoes, but they look entirely different due to my relentless curiosity.

And yes that would be mud and lots of it. Thank gosh it was not even more as I managed to pull my feet out before I sunk in any deeper! You see, the river is very, very low and when I came to this part I thought to myself, and now I can't even remember what the heck I was trying to photograph, but anyway, walking closer to the river seemed like a fine idea at the time. 

Does that look like quicksand to you? It sure felt like what I imagine quicksand to feel like!

While trying not to panic, I must say it may have been a first time experience for me as I tried to figure out how to get up higher on the bank. Amusing right now to recount, but at the time, it was a wee bit scary. But what the heck, our time here is all about new experiences and this one was a doozy. I suspect the people I encountered on the rest of the walk either did not notice an elderly woman with mud caked shoes and socks, or if they did, wondered what in the world did she do? 😀

So let's back up some days shall we? Our first stop on Saturday morning was to the donut shop before we went to Ingles/WalMart to stock up on groceries. Look at those Murphy Bulldogs!

And that is old news as the latest Scout came out yesterday reporting that in the playoff game they scored 57 points on their way to the next round. The fans must be going crazy.

That day it was quite chilly, giving Bruce the opportunity to try out the wonderful gas fire pit John and Laura surprised us with upon our return.

Chilly might not be the most accurate word because frost on the ground, or in this case, on the table and chairs John had drying in the yard, usually means a little more to most folks. For someone who is becoming more and more heat intolerant as the years pass, I welcome the cold.

So there are two things notable about the above photograph with the most obvious being the frost-covered table and chairs. The second notable sight is that of a house below the slope. When we first arrived in the middle of June, summer leaves were in full effect and the view from the top of the driveway looked like this.

Here we are, four plus months later, and now it looks like this.

As you may recall, I referenced how the world looks different now in my last post and wow, just wow, comparing the two photographs is astonishing to this Florida gal. Anyway, when I heard barking dogs on that June day, when John said it was coming from the neighbors house I asked, "where is there a neighbor?" As I recall, he looked somewhat amused by my question because to him it was so obvious. Now I get it as well!

Saturday, following the Florida State game, which was far more difficult to watch than I was hoping it would be, and yes we did manage to win, but it was not pretty. Anyway, we were invited to a bonfire and a bowl of stew at our neighbor's and it was a damn impressive bonfire.

While a gas fire is convenient, there is nothing quite like a real fire on a cold night! Again, can you believe our luck? 

Back to the furniture in the yard, it was John's last delivery for the year. As you may recall he builds high quality lawn furniture, sells it at festivals and art shows, and donates the profits to local charities. He scheduled everything around his knee replacement surgery which happened on Tuesday. If you can imagine, earlier this morning, I saw him walking without a walker on their sidewalk! He claims it feels better than his old knee, and who am I to disagree? 

I emptied my little camera card this morning and found this wonderful photo of Keith and Patty who hosted us for a little happy hour on the eve of our departure. Keith was our helper on our first get-away, emptying a humidifier Bruce has in his tool closet at home. Not just that, but he trimmed our beast of a tree as well. They are mighty good folks. He has been relieved of his duties, not because he wanted to be, but Bruce bought a larger unit with a hose that will empty into the garden. I am enlisting the help of Bill and others to keep the baby car going. The odometer finally rolled over the 30,000 mark after nearly 10 years.

Speaking of home, this was our landing spot before things made their way into the car. Bruce did an amazing job of fitting it all into the Subaru which was packed to the gills.  

In one of those boxes went some of my utensils that I cannot live without.

Perhaps a slight exaggeration because I most certainly did live without them, and might I say I even thrived, however, because I could bring them, I did. 

Let's go back to the river walk for a second and I will show you how things look with bare trees. By now the mud was drying on my shoes and socks because of the bright sunshine.

Let's look at another pair of shots of the same subject, the one below taken not too long before we left.

Whoa Nelly!

Same place, about a month apart. I am sure that it is just the sentiments of a first-timer here in the mountains, but by golly, the changes sure make life interesting! 

Ask me how I feel in a month? 

The deer are plentiful and we never tire of looking for them.

Their natural camouflage is so amazing to me. Think about it for a second and you two will be amazed.

There is one piece of bad news around these parts and it is a growing wildfire which has put this into effect.

For some reason the one going in Henderson County is getting all of the press, however, the one nearby is much larger.  The first morning we were here, I thought I smelled smoke and the view of the mountains, much anticipated, was somewhat diminished. Apparently it has been burning for two weeks and it keeps growing. So that bit about my muddy shoes, well, I walked into town instead of turning around to go back to where the car was parked and I spent the time waiting for Bruce in the Murphy Visitor Center. The woman working there lives in Andrews where the smoke is heaviest and she showed me photographs on her phone of the view from her place showing the smoke and fire. Yesterday morning at pickleball we learned from folks who also live near it that the acreage burned was up to more than 3,000 with no end in sight unless the predicted Friday rain happens. Undoubtedly, there will be many prayers for that to occur. 

We are meeting Curt and Nancy for lunch today, so I need to get cleaned up and make myself presentable. It's still a little early yet, but we plan on going in search of more color before our meet up time at noon. They will be returning to Arkansas for the winter, so it will be good to catch up in person before they do.

The view from my kitchen window with the rusty leaves just visible. 

I cooked dinner for our neighbors following John's surgery and discovered that a few more serving dishes would be welcome in this kitchen. We went to a few thrift stores yesterday following pickleball and I found the cutest doodad that is now on the windowsill. Because I already had taken this, be prepared for more windowsill shots as I find goodies. And yes, I brought the plant in water from home in a plastic bag. Presumably I will welcome the bright green soon enough. 😊

your friend,


p.s. What the heck, more leaves. And I called them brown!

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