Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A Variety Show

My dear readers, having just realized that most of my posts of late feature a bird as the lead photo, let's change that up today, shall we?

Absolutely a common occurrence in my Florida posts, sunrises or sunsets every other post, but here my sight lines are a bit limited. Not that I am complaining, mind you, because Lord knows I am loving diminished sight lines as you well know. Of course with signs of spring happening before my very eyes, what is now limited will be many-fold (is that even a term???), before I know it. Let us enjoy those clear views as long as we are able!

The super cute and friendly Tufted Tit Mouse.puffed up in the cold, for those unfamiliar with bird types. Then again, if you are reading this I suspect you have learned a thing or two more about birds than ever before.

I swear I am getting, well I don't know what to call my lapses, but darn if I have not done it again! I made some poppy seed muffins and in a stroke of luck I tasted the batter, something I never, ever do, immediately discovering that I had neglected to add the sugar!!! Not before it was evenly distributed amongst the muffin cups, unfortunately. Nevertheless, with the price of groceries, including those poppy seeds, I had to find a solution. Removing the batter was pretty much out of the question so instead I put a tablespoon or so atop each cup of batter and stirred a bit. Not my very best by a long shot, but edible nonetheless.

Redeeming myself a few days later I made some Heath bar chunks cookies for the first time, using the recipe on the back of the bag, and oh my gosh, are they delicious!!! 

Really I have been cooking up a storm, especially while Bruce has been volunteering at church. No surprise there that he spent all of Thursday and a good part of Friday helping to paint the kitchen for the new Montessori pre-school that is opening next week. 

So while he was there, I was making Thai Noodle Salad for lunch, a very tasty recipe that I brought from home. 

Using that awesome little chopper for the cabbage, carrots and radishes, it turned out good AND I even followed the instructions to the letter!

While we are on the subject of food prices, a week or so ago someone told me about a place we have seen since we've been here, Grocery Outlet. They told me it was good and you know me, I love both a bargain and a treasure hunt. Since Bruce was not keen on visiting the store, once I dropped him off at the church, and yes I did drive the car myself, I went in and after going through all of the aisles, I returned home with this haul for $21.

I was so impressed that when some cute young ladies asked for donations for their elementary school Bruce agreed to go and not only did we buy a bunch of stuff for the donation but we found the most amazing Peaches and Cream ice cream made since 1913 in Pennsylvania. Honestly Green's is some of the best ice cream I have ever had and get this, only $2.50!!! I'm really not much of an ice cream person, but there is just something about this flavor/brand that is amazing. If I had more room in the freezer I would most certainly buy a second one in the size that they pass off as half gallon these days. 

As I say, I have been cooking up a storm lately, well actually, is that anything new? Probably not. But still, with that in mind, on a cloudy Saturday morning we went for a little drive and came across Brasstown Beef, finding it open this time. That is still something that trips us up from time to time. Diminished winter hours.

Raised right on the property, we bought some items and let's just say they lived up to their billing. While I cannot confirm it myself, or really don't want to take the time to do so, their beef is sold in places like Burn's Steakhouse in Tampa. We enjoyed some super tasty meals, that's for sure.

That area is called Brasstown and it is really pretty, probably even more so in a month or so.

Following church on Sunday we took a drive in the country on the other side of Murphy and discovered that it too, is lovely. It seems like we have stayed so busy to date that we have only scratched the surface of this area's beauty.

Last week, must have been Wednesday afternoon as we were heading to the gym/river walk, we saw a huge plume of smoke right outside town. Seriously huge ,so we found a spot where we could watch it up close. My goodness, it was really something.

Do you see the orange glow? Several things to note here, one of which is a lot of what you are seeing is dried kudzu, which as it turns out, birds seem to love to hide in. The crackle of the fire was crazy, as was the popping and the bird calls that we clearly heard above the roar of the fire. We heard the wail of fire truck sirens within minutes and soon thereafter the sound of whooshing water began. The tower of smoke changed color to white.

Standing in the parking lot of the Catholic church, we knew it was a significant fire, but it was soon confirmed when a young man came speeding up and raced out of his truck, but not before he told us that the burning house belonged in his family for four generations! Back in Orlando, all this would be on the local news ad nauseam, however, the only local news, probably aside from facebook, is the Cherokee Scout that comes out once a week on Wednesday. Or, so we thought! A recent acquaintance told us it could be picked up at the box outside the Scout office on Tuesday afternoon which we have now found to be true. Front page news it was and while I have not yet read the whole article I do know it was a three story wood frame home. More as I learn about more.

Speaking of the river walk, I noticed that the door was open at what Lori recently told me was called the rock gym. Probably another name is official, but presumably that is what folks call it. We have driven by it multiple times a week since we have been here and I really thought it was not in use. Wrong! Apparently it is more than 100 years old and very unusual looking to my more modern eyes. I popped in and found a girl's basketball team practicing under the guidance of a man who told me he'd been coaching for decades.

The walls look quite similar on the outside. All in all, a cozy place with a regional exterior.

In our younger years, we spent hours and hours watching our sons play sports and particularly baseball. I mentioned that the park is coming to life with people and activity. I feel quite nostalgic being so close to it all, watching the practice fields fill with both softball and baseball players and their volunteer coaches. Some work is being done on both the dugouts and the fields.

The lengthening days, and really, pretty mild weather for this time of year, make for a place where the locals are gathering. The river is a bit of an allure for folks like me. (pickleball courts behind the fence on the left)

Oh my goodness,  just down the street, impulsively I made an appointment and  finally had my hair done and the less said about it the better.

Try as I might, the young woman could not be coaxed into conversation. Three hours of being uncomfortable for this gregarious lady was, while torture is a bit strong, it is not entirely out of the realm of what I was feeling!

Let's go back to our little slice of heaven. One afternoon I looked out the glass doors and by golly, this is what I saw in front of our dear landlords home.

With a bird feeder you hope to get birds so seeing them is not nearly as magical as it is seeing seven deer out of the clear blue. So far, those experiences are not getting old!

Take a look at this Brown Thrasher enjoying the suet cake, and while you are at it, notice the narcissus too.

Isn't that yellow eye cool? They do not come to feeders, instead they hop around on the ground eating what they find. 

Finishing my breakfast and standing beside the window I told Bruce that it is hard to adequately describe the action of the birds. Laura guessed there were a hundred and perhaps there are. So many, many little birds. And some bigger ones too, including loads of people's favorite.

Gosh hasn't it been fun being in the thick of the action? 

Always lots more to say, but the day is calling, however, in another exciting development, after weeks of waiting we had a daffodil bud.
You know what? Now we have three daffodils on that same plant. Tune in next time as it is happening my dear readers.....flower time!!

your friend,


Friday, February 23, 2024

A Somewhat Local Park and Surprisingly, Birds!

Before we head over to Meeks Park in nearby Blairsville, I've got a few things to report. One is that, after all these months, we have an unwelcome visitor outside our living room window and even worse, he  sometimes brings a buddy, like this morning when there were literally dozens and dozens of birds, either at the feeders or on the ground. The two squirrels arrived, chasing one another up the tree and down, causing a mass exodus.

It is quite the site seeing that many small birds take off at once! Sometimes they do that same thing and it always puzzles me.  I wonder what do they feel that they all fly off en masse? Do they even have feelings? So far I have seen very few raptors, so that can't be it, unlike at home where hawks are everywhere. Honestly, I even wonder how the heck they have all found the feeders, after all, this is a 10 acre property, so what is it? How do they even know it is there? One of the many, many mysteries of life I suppose. 

There are so many that we've just bought another 50 pound bag of seed as the first batch is down to one small container. This morning, while sitting beside the window and watching their movements, the sheer number of them was astounding, primarily Goldfinch and Pine Siskins, with a few other solitary birds in the mix. There were four Mourning Doves, the most ever, that is until the squirrels chased them off. Back to the squirrels, surprisingly they have not even attempted to get to the feeders, probably because the ground below has plenty, and I mean plenty of seed to consume. See above! Below, this feeder lasts a little more than one day.

I will say that there is plenty of entertainment value from that $26.00 bag of seed!

Patti called me the other day saying she had just recently read a blog post that featured the bluebird couple. My response was that they had not returned, much to our sorrow. Well, apparently she brought us good luck because look who did come back, both the day pictured below, and yesterday morning as we were leaving for me to drive Bruce to church where he had volunteered to help paint. One of them even went in the nest box for a look-see. Will they nest there? That is the $64,000 question!

I got off track because I am so excited about the birds, but secondly, I meant to report last week that on February 14, 2007 I began writing Camera Crazy. Now that is crazy, and even crazier is that I have no intention of quitting any time soon! From being a college student who was dealing with a mysterious illness to typing this post in a tiny town in North Carolina, and everything in between, all can be found on the webpages that make up our online story. All fours sons married, Bruce's mom died, Carol and Maureen died along with others near and dear to us. I've said it before, and I will say it again, the best part of being a blogger is that all events are reported as they happen.  Well maybe a week or so later, but you get my drift. No relying on this poor memory!

Two more things before we head out on our field trip in this post and that is this picture of Charlotte's Cottage and the plants surrounding it. 

It won't be long before this all changes, along with my clear view of the birdies, but I guess I will cross that bridge when we come to it.  As it happens, I will be posting photos, (surprise, surprise) and we can all enjoy the change of season together.

Lastly inside the cottage I was refolding my clothes and realized that this is a first for me; nearly everything in the drawer is a solid color. Where are the prints??? At home in Orlando, that's where.

People are always asking us our intentions and our response is that we are still in the experimental stage. I will keep you posted, if, or when, things change.

Okay, let's go to Diane's house and see her and the chickens.

All eleven have names should you wonder! I believe I mentioned that Lori took me to see her nearby house and what a treat it was. A highlight was the beautiful koi pond in her front yard, such as it is. Actually, they have acreage, as do many folks around here.

Apparently, before long bulbs will be bursting with joy from the ground surrounding the pond. I can hardly wait for Spring. Nancy told me the other day I was going to go crazy and I suspect she is right! That would be one of the two Nancys I have met here.  

After touring her lovely home, Lori took me to the nearby property with goats, along with a supporting cast of two pot bellied pigs,

and a beautiful donkey. 

The donkey used to have a companion until it was killed, I believe by a bobcat! The goats were so cute, including the billy goat whose ears reminded me of leather.


More cute kids!

Are we lucky, or what? Having such experiences is just priceless to the two of us! She even took me to visit the nearby horses.

If you can imagine, sometimes I am at a loss for words thinking about how great our time here has been. That is, with a little help from our friends and family, specifically Nancy who is now our designated mailwoman. She's gathered a bunch, mostly income tax related and it is on it's way to us as I type. She is also driving the baby car occasionally so my sweet MINI Cooper will be in good shape when next I see it. 

We had talked about coming home in order for Bruce to have his annual physical, but instead we found a doctor in Blairsville, GA which is about twenty miles away. We drove there last week to not only find the office for reference, but to go to Meeks Park. Both turned out well. 

It was a cold sunny day, and I wore the coat Fallon gave me for my birthday and a knit cap Matt knitted, maybe six years ago, when he was in his knitting phase. I believe he is in his learning to speak French phase now.

We loved every aspect of this park, just beautiful, especially under such a brilliant blue sky.

I suspect the water is much higher later in the year, but what always interests me is seeing the river bed and thinking of folks boating over top of all those rocks. 

There were some cool metal sculptures that moved.

Along with a bridge named Bruce!

Well look who is standing on Bruce Bridge!

Lots of walking trails that we have yet to try, but we will most definitely be back. 

As we were leaving we came across something curious or weird, I'm not sure which term is appropriate. 
You might note the man sitting at the picnic table, or maybe not, so here's a closer look.

We had a chat with this man who told us he has been coming every day for, as I recall, 18 years to feed the birds and squirrels. He cracks open the peanuts, putting his hand out, and with the posture of the squirrel below, it sure seems like they know one another.

Adding to the story was when we passed by his car in the lot, there was only room for him, as the entire rest of the sedan was filled to the brim. Curious indeed!

We made our way into town and on a recommendation from Ruth, we visited Lucky's for lunch.

I imagine it must have been after two or so, thus the lack of a crowd because it sure is not because the food is not yummy. I ordered this taco because I wanted to try the pickled radish garnish.

I must admit with the other explosion of flavors I can't really give you an opinion on those radishes, but they were quite pretty. 

Our last stop was a little ice cream/candy shop where I found butter mints. Talk about bringing back memories of childhood. Always on Thanksgiving there would be butter mints. Plus, there were these cute finger puppets that I cannot believe are only $2!

Then again, there are dollar stores galore, so what do I know?

Lastly, I found a helpful gadget in the cabinet that houses all of the pans. A mini chopper that worked like magic.

We ere having barbecue and who eats that without cole slaw? And just why am I including something so mundane when I've got such beautiful subject matter to blog about? 

I want to remember that's why. I also used it to make homemade salsa so it has already won a place in my culinary heart. Duke's mayonnaise. Maureen would probably be aghast that I am not using Hellmans, but I'm a new convert. That's what living in the mountains will do for a gal.😀

your friend,


Saturday, February 17, 2024

Bruce Continues His Winning Ways

 Greetings! It is Saturday afternoon and while Mr. Peck has gone to the gym, this elderly blogger is staying cozy indoors. Friends, it is cold outside to the tune of about 37 at four in the afternoon. While I could easily go in and out of places in this temperature, walking for an hour just was not appealing in the slightest. It is not so much the temperature but the 11mph winds that would have been so uncomfortable. And really, I am once again behind in my posts,  so my time is best used right now behind my computer screen. 

Let's get started shall we?

Today is the Great Backyard Bird Count, a global event, that you can learn more about here. Participate!! It is easy and you can then call yourself a "citizen scientist"! Last Sunday we had a new visitor and how pretty is this one?

I have to admit that we had company when it was here, so I will blame it on that, because I originally thought that it was a Goldfinch, well, turning gold. Not yet, even though I keep expecting the scores of Goldfinch to begin their color change. Watching intently at my perch,

I am watching for changes, as well as for those darn bluebirds who have refused to show their faces again! Here is a look at the remaining black sunflower seeds that we purchased in a 50 pound bag.

Let me tell you those birds are going through it like mad. Soon there will be a sunflower forest below the windows I fear! Scroll back up and look at the two main feeders and realize that they were full maybe three hours prior. It is seriously unreal having so many birds. It is also a dream come true for me, so no complaints here. Some people scroll on their phones; I watch the live action just on the other side of the window.

Should you be wondering, those are the Pine Siskins showing off their normally hidden yellow. 

Before we move on from birding news, one early morning, about a week ago, I peered out the window while it was still dark outside and saw something highly unusual. Now before I get into the story, this happened the following day while on our Facetime  during which we had taken a pretty good ribbing from Matt and Tom who could not believe that we had purchased a hot tub for our birds, so there's that. Did they jinx us from afar? One of life's mysteries. Anyway, no one can really figure out how this happened.

Yup, that really is the hot tub at a 90 degree angle from how it was installed! Not only was it turned on it's side, several of the screws were broken as well. In the 11 years John and Laura have lived on the property, there has never been a bear sighting, so that while that seems the most likely in one sense, history proves otherwise. Whatever happened, it is unlikely to happen again as Mr. Peck repaired it with heavy duty fasteners.

What a great segue to the incredible winning ways my husband has been having. Perhaps you recall that he won a beautiful vase, actually made by Harry Hearne, a renowned potter around these parts, as well as  further afield. I think that was in early October. Well, a week ago Tuesday, we encountered a young lady selling raffle tickets for her elementary school. Set up, along with her Mother, in front of our favorite wine shop. He bought three, not really paying any attention to what the prize would be. Thursday evening the phone rings with the shocking news that he had won a 55" television and we could pick it up the next morning at Peachtree Elementary. Holy cow! On a side note, the young lady who sold Bruce the ticket was featured in the Scout this week, not for selling the winning raffle ticket but for being an outstanding student. Small town life in a nutshell.

It was such a sweet experience because everyone at the school was so excited for him. Arriving at 7:20 in the morning because they were closing at noon that day and we were going to pickleball, they greeted us on our arrival. Everything was all so casual and unlike anything we would encounter in Orlando that's for sure! They did not even ask for identification.

Oh you are Mr. Peck? We are so happy for you! Had the church not been able to benefit from his donation, the school would have as he planned to donate it back.  As it was, the church was thrilled. 

So now we are talking a beautiful piece of pottery, a 55" television, and to complete the trifecta, he won the pool at the Super Bowl party at John and Laura's, coming away with $90! And to think that he's almost never won anything in his whole life. Is it a sign we are meant to be here? Haha!

People are starting to join me at the park on my afternoon walks.

Well maybe not join me, but finally there are people aside from me. The ballfields are filling with kids, the pathways with dogs and their owners, and the fields with Robins! Here's one having a little bath in the river before heading to the field.

I ran into a little girl walking the dog below and it was far too cute to not document.

It is one thing to appreciate the shocking red of a Northern Cardinal on your feeder, but quite another out in the wild.

So that is a portion of what is happening around here right now. so let's next go back in time.

Let's go on a field trip to Fontana Dam together, shall we?

We have done all of the dams closest to us, so it was time to go further afield and explore the Fontana Dam, the highest dam East of the Rockies. It says so below! No wait, it doesn't. I did not make that up. 

But first we had to get there and although the roads were winding, it was a gorgeous day for a drive. You head towards Topton and next to Robbinsville where one direction leads to the dam and the other leads to, another dam! They are everywhere folks! Looking at the drive on our trusty iPad, which seriously is so old it is a wonder it still works as well as it does, but anyway, there was evidence of a traffic stall, practically unheard of in these parts. Turns out there was road construction, widening the road, and it looks a little different here than it does back home.

That's the mountain they are cutting away in the photo above. Below, new grass will grow from that beigy thing.

That sky, right? In some places they put up a wall with a stone-like look that has yet to be installed on the wall below.

Okay, what next you ask? A gorgeous view is what is next!

The trees may not have their leaves, but that sky reflecting in the water makes up for the lack of green! Then again, imagine it with the green....oh my! A little further along that same road, and another beautiful vista, this one including the spot where the Appalachian Trail crosses the dam. 

Do you recall how I have written about "winter hours"? Turns out that holds true for dam visitor centers as well as restaurants, museums, what have you.There were some informational placards outside, but more importantly, there was an open bathroom that services the AT through hikers! Whew!

Another amazing view!

Low water, equals a very interesting shot. Or at least it was to us!

We drove back home using the other route I mentioned earlier and I was so excited to come across a lovely waterfall at an entrance to the Great Smokey Mountain National Park, an area called Twentymile Creek, They call it a cascade here, but it's a waterfall to me!

We met some new folks at pickleball, Mark and Mary Beth, that we have spent some time with. Of course they moved here from Florida.

After church we went to lunch and then they came back here for a visit. Naturally birds came up because, how could they not? They are just outside the window so they are hard to ignore, including the above Pine Warbler. Although their range includes Florida, I sure don't remember seeing one before. But hey, we all know how terrible my memory is so perhaps it is included in my 135 species list of birds that I have photographed? Anyway a few days later, Mark was buying the same 50 pounds of sunflower seeds! I may not be a winner of prizes, but I do know how to get folks excited about something I am excited about!

Our monthly pickleball ladies activity was being taught by Diane about essential oils and how useful they can be. We all went home with a little vial or inhaler after enjoying quiche made from their own eggs! I will show you all that in another post, but here's a little group photo missing some ladies for one reason or other.

One of the ladies pictured above lives down the street from the Barfields and she took me to her home for a tour. Lots of things to discuss about that, but for now, as I need to cook dinner, I will leave you with a Hellebore that she says blooms like crazy. Isn't it beautiful. 

I must admit seeing a flower mid February was a treat.

Hasn't all of this been so fun? I think so.

your friend,


Kernel Panic Loop