Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A Variety Show

My dear readers, having just realized that most of my posts of late feature a bird as the lead photo, let's change that up today, shall we?

Absolutely a common occurrence in my Florida posts, sunrises or sunsets every other post, but here my sight lines are a bit limited. Not that I am complaining, mind you, because Lord knows I am loving diminished sight lines as you well know. Of course with signs of spring happening before my very eyes, what is now limited will be many-fold (is that even a term???), before I know it. Let us enjoy those clear views as long as we are able!

The super cute and friendly Tufted Tit Mouse.puffed up in the cold, for those unfamiliar with bird types. Then again, if you are reading this I suspect you have learned a thing or two more about birds than ever before.

I swear I am getting, well I don't know what to call my lapses, but darn if I have not done it again! I made some poppy seed muffins and in a stroke of luck I tasted the batter, something I never, ever do, immediately discovering that I had neglected to add the sugar!!! Not before it was evenly distributed amongst the muffin cups, unfortunately. Nevertheless, with the price of groceries, including those poppy seeds, I had to find a solution. Removing the batter was pretty much out of the question so instead I put a tablespoon or so atop each cup of batter and stirred a bit. Not my very best by a long shot, but edible nonetheless.

Redeeming myself a few days later I made some Heath bar chunks cookies for the first time, using the recipe on the back of the bag, and oh my gosh, are they delicious!!! 

Really I have been cooking up a storm, especially while Bruce has been volunteering at church. No surprise there that he spent all of Thursday and a good part of Friday helping to paint the kitchen for the new Montessori pre-school that is opening next week. 

So while he was there, I was making Thai Noodle Salad for lunch, a very tasty recipe that I brought from home. 

Using that awesome little chopper for the cabbage, carrots and radishes, it turned out good AND I even followed the instructions to the letter!

While we are on the subject of food prices, a week or so ago someone told me about a place we have seen since we've been here, Grocery Outlet. They told me it was good and you know me, I love both a bargain and a treasure hunt. Since Bruce was not keen on visiting the store, once I dropped him off at the church, and yes I did drive the car myself, I went in and after going through all of the aisles, I returned home with this haul for $21.

I was so impressed that when some cute young ladies asked for donations for their elementary school Bruce agreed to go and not only did we buy a bunch of stuff for the donation but we found the most amazing Peaches and Cream ice cream made since 1913 in Pennsylvania. Honestly Green's is some of the best ice cream I have ever had and get this, only $2.50!!! I'm really not much of an ice cream person, but there is just something about this flavor/brand that is amazing. If I had more room in the freezer I would most certainly buy a second one in the size that they pass off as half gallon these days. 

As I say, I have been cooking up a storm lately, well actually, is that anything new? Probably not. But still, with that in mind, on a cloudy Saturday morning we went for a little drive and came across Brasstown Beef, finding it open this time. That is still something that trips us up from time to time. Diminished winter hours.

Raised right on the property, we bought some items and let's just say they lived up to their billing. While I cannot confirm it myself, or really don't want to take the time to do so, their beef is sold in places like Burn's Steakhouse in Tampa. We enjoyed some super tasty meals, that's for sure.

That area is called Brasstown and it is really pretty, probably even more so in a month or so.

Following church on Sunday we took a drive in the country on the other side of Murphy and discovered that it too, is lovely. It seems like we have stayed so busy to date that we have only scratched the surface of this area's beauty.

Last week, must have been Wednesday afternoon as we were heading to the gym/river walk, we saw a huge plume of smoke right outside town. Seriously huge ,so we found a spot where we could watch it up close. My goodness, it was really something.

Do you see the orange glow? Several things to note here, one of which is a lot of what you are seeing is dried kudzu, which as it turns out, birds seem to love to hide in. The crackle of the fire was crazy, as was the popping and the bird calls that we clearly heard above the roar of the fire. We heard the wail of fire truck sirens within minutes and soon thereafter the sound of whooshing water began. The tower of smoke changed color to white.

Standing in the parking lot of the Catholic church, we knew it was a significant fire, but it was soon confirmed when a young man came speeding up and raced out of his truck, but not before he told us that the burning house belonged in his family for four generations! Back in Orlando, all this would be on the local news ad nauseam, however, the only local news, probably aside from facebook, is the Cherokee Scout that comes out once a week on Wednesday. Or, so we thought! A recent acquaintance told us it could be picked up at the box outside the Scout office on Tuesday afternoon which we have now found to be true. Front page news it was and while I have not yet read the whole article I do know it was a three story wood frame home. More as I learn about more.

Speaking of the river walk, I noticed that the door was open at what Lori recently told me was called the rock gym. Probably another name is official, but presumably that is what folks call it. We have driven by it multiple times a week since we have been here and I really thought it was not in use. Wrong! Apparently it is more than 100 years old and very unusual looking to my more modern eyes. I popped in and found a girl's basketball team practicing under the guidance of a man who told me he'd been coaching for decades.

The walls look quite similar on the outside. All in all, a cozy place with a regional exterior.

In our younger years, we spent hours and hours watching our sons play sports and particularly baseball. I mentioned that the park is coming to life with people and activity. I feel quite nostalgic being so close to it all, watching the practice fields fill with both softball and baseball players and their volunteer coaches. Some work is being done on both the dugouts and the fields.

The lengthening days, and really, pretty mild weather for this time of year, make for a place where the locals are gathering. The river is a bit of an allure for folks like me. (pickleball courts behind the fence on the left)

Oh my goodness,  just down the street, impulsively I made an appointment and  finally had my hair done and the less said about it the better.

Try as I might, the young woman could not be coaxed into conversation. Three hours of being uncomfortable for this gregarious lady was, while torture is a bit strong, it is not entirely out of the realm of what I was feeling!

Let's go back to our little slice of heaven. One afternoon I looked out the glass doors and by golly, this is what I saw in front of our dear landlords home.

With a bird feeder you hope to get birds so seeing them is not nearly as magical as it is seeing seven deer out of the clear blue. So far, those experiences are not getting old!

Take a look at this Brown Thrasher enjoying the suet cake, and while you are at it, notice the narcissus too.

Isn't that yellow eye cool? They do not come to feeders, instead they hop around on the ground eating what they find. 

Finishing my breakfast and standing beside the window I told Bruce that it is hard to adequately describe the action of the birds. Laura guessed there were a hundred and perhaps there are. So many, many little birds. And some bigger ones too, including loads of people's favorite.

Gosh hasn't it been fun being in the thick of the action? 

Always lots more to say, but the day is calling, however, in another exciting development, after weeks of waiting we had a daffodil bud.
You know what? Now we have three daffodils on that same plant. Tune in next time as it is happening my dear readers.....flower time!!

your friend,


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