Yesterday when I woke up it was chilly. Not chilly to Northerners, but to this Southern lady 39 degrees is definitely chilly. The good news is the gloom from the previous few days lifted leaving the sky brilliant blue with nary a cloud in sight. When I went out to get the paper I saw steam rising from the lake and had to run in, throw on some clothes, and grab my camera. Unfortunately it was a challenge to really show what it looked like. I imagine with this warm winter the water was still pretty warm, thus the steam.
After lunch I tackled the dreaded task of going through all the sales and receipts from last year. As you know, my CPA's father died two weeks ago so I won't be bothering her anytime soon, but at least I've now done my part. The task was made tolerable in the glorious sunshine by the pool. Earlier I'd cleaned a mountain of oak leaves out of the pool, so things were looking pretty spiffy. My new cards are pictured here, as is a new abstract I've been working on. Rarely do I print anything at home, but I wanted to see the colors for myself before I committed to canvas.
I picked up a huge order from Mr. Roger later which is now piled high on the dining room table. I'm gluing my business card to the back of the foam core for the Gainesville shipment. Hopefully after the little market on Monday I'll be ready to ship it all out.
BTW--I'm at least even and maybe have a bit of a profit for last year. That is good news.
Bruce should finally be home this afternoon. This has been a very long week without him. I tolerate two nights away, but three is not so much fun.
Our dear Matthew is making another stateside visit. No, he's not coming here, out to LA again. He began the week in Brussels--one busy young man.
Now playing: Sufjan Stevens - Amazing Grace
via FoxyTunes
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