Thursday, February 21, 2008

Nearly Ready

It's nearly show time folks, actually I need to be leaving shortly for the gallery because tonight is show time as well. Regina, my 70 something year old neighbor came over this afternoon to help me get the prints ready. She was so sweet, examining them all and full of compliments. I must tell you that Regina is a very hip lady for her age. She regales me with stories of her life. She and her late husband Max used to own a PR firm here in town before we got so big. Today I learned that Max went to the semi-finals in a seniors Jeopardy tournament some years ago. According to Max, Alex Trebeck was somewhat full of himself.

I returned some things to Bloomingdales in the morning returning home with only pictures to show for my trip.

Happy, Happy Birthday to my brother Pat. He's 62 today. Wow, it seems like only yesterday I was a young girl worshiping my only brother. He was in high school when the Beatles came out; I still remember his Meet the Beatles album. I was so taken with them that I formed a Beatles fan club in elementary school.

I posted a link to a story I heard on NPR yesterday morning that amazed me, I hope it will amaze you.

Now playing: The Concretes - This One's For You
via FoxyTunes

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