Smart Spending
I came across this picture I took of Bill a few months ago while working on my order today--he's so cute if I do say so myself.
Yesterday I had two new experiences.
I attended the funeral of my CPA's dad. Her dad was a Cuban,three weeks shy of his 90th birthday, who emigrated when Castro took power. Although my mom had a Catholic mass before her burial it was nothing like this. For one thing the music our mom chose was decidedly different. Thinking back, I'm sure the church officials thought it was highly unusual that she wanted Mahalia Jackson and Elvis at her funeral mass. This funeral was conducted almost entirely in Spanish including all of the music. Olga and her sister gave beautiful testimonials about their dear father bringing tears to many faces. I want to describe what I saw. Two priests sat on the platform with VERY straight faces, one with his arms folded across his broad belly. I was extremely surprised when the one who looked the most dour went to the pulpit and began to speak loudly and rapidly, with wild gesticulations. His platform expression gave none of this passion away beforehand. The remaining seated priest slept through the entire homily. I could hardly imagine it, but his head nodded over to the side. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, thinking he was praying, but to be honest, that is probably not the case. It amazed me that he could sleep through the shouting. I understood only one word--Antonio.
When I arrived home there was an e-mail waiting for me from some company in Jacksonville, Fl wanting to use the picture I posted on flickr last January of the Mayo Clinic for their city guide. No money, only a photo credit. Imagine that? Does this lend credence to the thinking that everything happens for a reason? I think I began this blog after the trip to Mayo, so you may not know that I went there briefly, with no results. The main thing I gained from that trip was headaches as far as the medical bills were concerned. I do remember that they took seven vials of blood which seemed like overkill.
Speaking of health, there is an article in The Times about some workers in a meat packing plant in Minnesota who came down with a weird disease that manifested itself in tingling and numb feet. Turns out they think it came from a process that involves pig brains. I won't go into details but suffice it to say I haven't been around pig brains but our problems sounded somewhat similar. Hmmmm...
Finally Bruce got the new Annie Lennox album and it's classic Annie--awesome.
Hold your horses, re: the title of this post--where do you think expressions like this come from? Robert Segal used it tonight on NPR about their election coverage time slot.
I certainly have got a lot of learning to do about links--please forgive me--I'll keep practicing.
Now playing: Annie Lennox - Womankind
via FoxyTunes
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