Friday, February 1, 2008


Yeah, yeah, and one more if you don't mind. Our Jonathan passed his LEED certification today in snowy, and I do mean snowy, Chicago. It stands for Leadership in Energy and Environment Design.a

I can tell you with certainty that I am so proud of him. Jonathan is not only super smart but he's super at procrastinating. He has done fine for himself all these years but I knew he could do better if he put a little effort into things. Turns out, he studied this week after work. This is astonishing news as I can't remember any studying on Jonathan's part all these years. It will be nice if there is some monetary compensation but mostly it's a big boost for his ego. As a mother I'm allowed to brag just a tad--his score was nearly perfect.

I've spent all day working on my inventory, framing, breaking glass--that's right. I put my hand down and crack! Wouldn't you know it would be a 20 X 24. I went to my local hardware store to get a new piece--a waste of time and money. Oh well...all part of the process.

The application went out in the mail for the show I most hope to get in. I won't know for a month so neither will you. It is a bit prestigious around these parts, if I get in the spring show it might bode well for fall. I've no idea if I will be accepted but it won't be for a lack of trying. I deferred to Matt's recommendations on the two slides. He's never let me down before, and I don't expect that to happen this time either. I can just see his face as he reads this...Oh Mom!

Doesn't our Baxter look adorable with his haircut? I let him go so long we rarely see those big brown eyes. I finally figured out how to get him to hold still for a picture. I put him in a chair that is tricky for him to move around on. This chair belonged to my parents forever then Bruce inherited it. It was in his garage for the longest time, then the shed. Several years ago I saw it featured in a layout of this gorgeous room in Metropolitan Home--I figured it was time to get it out of the shed. The years have taken their toll but I like it.

Have I mentioned that I'm feeling good of late? I am.

Now playing: Boxer Rebellion - Lay Me Down
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

e said...

I'm so glad you're feeling well!

Kernel Panic Loop