Sorry for sounding so grouchy yesterday. The truth of the matter is I shouldn't have even posted as I knew I was sinking. Bruce put me to bed at 7:30 last night and I slept until 6:30 this morning. When the pain hits me hard sometimes I just can't go on.
Earlier I'd made an appointment to have a mani/pedi which was WAY overdue. Sometimes I just let myself go but it was time to clean up a bit. I feel bad now because I barely spoke to the nice woman doing it. She knows me and knows I'm usually a chatter but again when I'm sinking I just shut down. I'm glad I went through with it because my red toenails looks much better. I let her wax my eyebrows as well which was also way behind any reasonable schedule. I absolutely hate having it done and almost chickened out for the above mentioned. Reason prevailed and now they are tame.
Two neat things about Saturday I neglected to mention:
* I got into the Maitland Art Show in April (you may recall it was the one I posted the web album for suggestions to submit)
*I received a check and nice note for a photo I'd mailed to some folks in Cocoa. They said I was charging too little and sent more.
The photo today is from the market on Sunday. Our manager sometimes puts me on the spot regarding taking a photo for a promotional flyer at a moments notice. I really don't like to work like that, but hey--what are you going to do? Apparently, she is starting a Dog Day once a month like they have Parrot in the Park once a month. You've seen photos of some of those birds in the past. I can't imagine they need a designated Sunday as there are so many dogs as it is. The pictured woman is a "Avian & Canine Behavorist", commonly known as "The Parrot Whisperer." She is the host of a show called Pet Pals. It really was remarkable to see her with these dogs. She went around asking owners if she could use their dogs. She worked with them a bit then they all cooperated nicely. Can you believe they are all looking at the camera, as is she? Good thing for me; I get nervous thinking it might not come out. The two large dogs are at the park every week, one is named Gail! They are wolfhounds--one Russian, one Irish. So aside from selling, I had other excitement as well.
I haven't chatted with Matt in way too long--I miss him.
Did I tell you Maureen is going to Peru in April? She's really had quite a time recovering from the accident--we are thinking positive that she'll be good when the time comes.
Now playing: Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
via FoxyTunes
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