In an effort to catch up I neglected to post what I was meaning to. I took this in the garage the other day. The framed photo was leaning against the work table when I came out and saw this scene, interpret as you will.
I also wanted to thank Matt for inadvertently reminding me of one of my favorite songs, Roseanne Cash's Runaway Train. Last week I was listening to his radio station on when I heard it. I've mentioned this great site before, indulge me while I praise it again. You type in either an artist, or a tag, the next thing you know you are not only hearing the artist you like, but others you either need reminding of, or are new to you. I've since typed in Roseanne Cash (I've yet to hear that song again--I will) and been treated to Shawn Colvin, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Allison Kraus and others. Good stuff.
Last night my darling Bruce got Chinese at Publix for us. My fortune was--you are never bitter, deceptive, or petty whatever that means. Bruce's was something along the lines of a financial investment will pay off in ways unexpected. I claimed it was a reference to our little business.
Our history center has an exhibition on classic toys right now. As such I am giving you all the answers in the Magic 8-Ball just so you know:
As I see it, yes
Ask again later
Better not tell you now
Cannot predict now
Concentrate and ask again
Don't count on it
It is certain
It is decidedly so
Most likely
My reply is no
My sources say no
Outlook good
Outlook not so good
Reply hazy, try again
Signs point to yes
Very doubtful
Without a doubt
You may rely on it.
More toy trivia later in the week.
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