Monday, March 10, 2008

Sewing is the New Knitting

A story in the paper last week proclaiming that sewing is the new knitting--thus it won't be long before something else replaces it with the trendsters. I've mentioned in the past that my sewing machine was up and in use for at least twenty five years before it became too expensive to sew. Thinking about paying $12 for a pattern is unbelievable to me.

I am happy to report that the market was very good to me yesterday. You may have noticed when I pictured the booth two weeks ago that I've been doing some water abstracts of late. I usually don't post them because I think they have to be viewed in person rather than on a computer to be appreciated. Sunday I had a new one that was very colorful, apparently I wasn't the only one to like it. As I write this I realize it is the most expensive piece I've ever sold. If you can believe it, as I was taking it off the wall, another man came up and said he had to have it. My hands were shaking as I was doing the transaction for the ladies who were taking it home. I then got his name, number, and deposit. Wow--I was absolutely stunned. Mr. Roger prints them on canvas for me with a gallery wrap which apparently is becoming more popular. I'm a little bit of a traditionalist and still appreciate a frame, but it turns out lots of folks are happy to see only the artwork minus a frame.

I had encouraged Bruce to go home for a while to relax before his hard work week so he was not there to share in the excitement. I got my cellphone out to call Roger to find out a time frame for delivery for the other customer; I was so busy I was not able to call Bruce. Kathy, the plant vendor next to us, went running up to Bruce to share the good news upon his return. To tell you the truth, I'm still in shock.

I believe I mentioned last week about the long lost friends whose children I babysat coming by our booth. Yesterday they arrived with most of the grown children in tow. As the daughter was browsing through my bin she came across a picture I have taken through the car windshield with rain on it. Bruce was driving on a busy road with the sun setting on a stormy day. I call the photo "Film Noir." As the young lady was looking at it, she said,"I realize why you look so familiar--you were in my film class!" Ironic huh? She remarked that she sat in the back, and as you've already guessed I sat in the front row. Kindly, she said that she always read my posts on the discussion pages wishing she'd said what I had. If only she was my age she would have my experience to use when writing.

After our busy day yesterday, and the little market today, I'm tired (surprise, surprise!), but I wanted to tell you one other opportunity that has come my way. The designer who bought an abstract from me back in the fall had contacted me about working with her on a condo staging at one of the new high rises about a block from the market. She showed up yesterday when we were closing. After we packed up I went to the condo to consult with her on how we could use my photography in the staging. There is a reception planned for next week for about 75 people so we have to work fast.

When we began the market (almost a year ago!) Bruce was hoping that we could provide art work for the walls of all the new condos, of course the real estate meltdown has for the most part squelched that. Not entirely it turns out. This afternoon we planned out each room. Fortunately she picked out things which I believe will sell, if not there, at least at one of our upcoming art shows.

Did I mention that it is not only challenging but exciting to be a business owner?

Now playing: Julie Roberts - You Ain't Down Home
via FoxyTunes

Now playing: Morrissey - Everyday Is Like Sunday
via FoxyTunes


e said...

It's so wonderful to hear how well you're doing with your photos. They have such warmth to them, I'm not surprised. Pleased as punch, but not surprised.

Gail Peck said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Amaya said...

Wow! Congratulations on selling your expensive piece not once, but twice in one day!

Kernel Panic Loop