Saturday, June 21, 2008

Capping Off the Week

For the second week in a row I've mowed the lawn on Friday morning, something I'm delighted about. I've done our yard for years because I've had more time to do so than Bruce. Because I've been mowing lawns since I was about 12, this has always been a breeze, until I got sick that is. After months of being unable to keep up with it, we hired a yard man. They use big tractors to cut the lawn in about 10 minutes, something that takes me around 35 when I'm doing well. This method however leaves big ruts in the grass which are particularly evident once the rains have started which is NOW! Remember I told you we were's been raining cats and dogs every day now, a welcome sight because not only does the aquifer need it, but it helps to bring down the temperature, thus reducing air conditioning bills. After the last two hours of rain the temp is only 72 degrees at 4 in the afternoon. As I was saying, I decided to give it a go again and I did just fine.

When I left to go to the Polasek reception last evening it was pouring, making me wonder how many folks would brave the weather. Bruce, unfortunately, was not able to get back to Orlando in time to accompany me. I did however run into Professor McNair, my former humanities teacher (three times!) at Valencia. We ended up hanging out together the entire time. It was really nice with a large tent set up on the spacious patio, wine (donated by Darden), food, and conversation. I'd gone with no expectations regarding the awards, and didn't actually pay attention when they began announcing them. I was chatting with another woman who used to teach history on public television in Miami. Imagine that, I was chatting. I did manage to hear I didn't win the best in show which didn't surprise me in the least. A bit later a woman came over handing me a $25 gift certificate to a camera store in town (Harmons for the curious amongst you) for third place in the flora and fauna category. Can you guess which one of mine placed?

A big week for the fledgling photographer here, what with a published photo, unexpected sales, and a third place finish--not bad. Wonder what next week will bring?

Jonathan and Alissa moved successfully yesterday--I am totally proud of them! When I chatted with him their last hurdle was putting their very large cat in the carrier and taking the train to their new place.

Listening to: Black Box - Everybody Everybody
via FoxyTunes

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