More Things Can Happen than Will Happen
Bruce and I took a trip down memory lane late last week while talking about North Carolina. About twelve years ago, Bruce and Jonathan went on a hiking trip on the Appalachian Trail with a group of folks from the church. He went searching for the pictures and came across a narrative one of the women wrote about the trip. It was really marvelous reading about their adventure. What really rang true though was what she wrote about Bruce. She marveled at the way he was able to start the camp fire when everything was soaking wet from the torrential rains they'd hike through. Her comment was "if you ever go hiking in the N. Georgia mountains make friends with Bruce Peck." The truth of the matter is that if you ever want to do most anything that requires skill and patience, Bruce is your man. I'm so glad I made friends with him 42 years ago!!!
While talking with Jonathan about it he said, "did she mention how Dad had to carry my pack most of the way?" I replied, no she just remarked your cheerfulness. Later I told Bruce about it and he said, no, he didn't carry Jon's pack but he did empty most of it into his letting Jonathan retain the pretense of hiking with a full pack. What a dad!
Maureen is my first convert to Lottery . She also read in almost one sitting. When we talked about it today we both felt like it's a story that in theory sounds so sappy but in the reading is wonderfully life affirming.
I had a very nice long chat with Matt yesterday afternoon. The market shut down several hours early due to a weather threat that never materialized. Fortunately some early folks made it worth our time. Because I was home so early I had plenty of time to catch up on all his doings. He'd returned from a short trip to New York city on Tuesday morning after seeing two great new exhibits there. As well he got to visit with friends. We chatted about his birthday gift and he's as stymied as I am.
The new external hard drive arrived today, not that I actually know what to do with it, but it's here nonetheless.
Maureen and I visited a farmer's market on Saturday morning--it's well established with a great reputation. I'm here to tell you that our market is now able to give it a run for its' money. It's really astonishing to see what a passionate manager can do for a project. Dana is so responsible for the bigger crowds we have, as well as the quality of the offerings. She won't let just anyone in, but she does believe in making it like a mall. Thus, I now have several photographers to compete with each week, but that's ok. If I'm good, people will still be interested in my stuff. Folks have suggested I quit going, at least through the hot summer, but I feel like the market is directly responsible for my success. Of course, it's really Mr. Bruce who got this whole thing going as a diversion from my illness. We never really planned it out, which we now see wasn't too smart, but it seems to have worked just fine. For now the plan is that as long as he'll set me up each week, I'll go. He's been heading home as you know to either rest, do stuff around the house, and unfortunately more often than he'd like, catch up on his e-mail. His workload right now is overwhelming.
I'm thinking that today's song might work for the mother/son dance at the wedding--what do you think?
Listening to: Womack, Lee Ann - I Hope You Dance
via FoxyTunes
Listening to: Womack, Lee Ann - I Hope You Dance
via FoxyTunes
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