Monday, June 16, 2008


For the last several days I've been trying to get a wonderful shot of raspberries. I know you are thinking, how hard could it get. Well, turns out pretty hard. What I've learned over the last year or so is that unless you've got some strong contrasts in your subject it is pretty hard to get it right. Furthermore, working with my new camera is proving challenging because I have to get comfortable with it. Actually the raspberry project is helping as I try different lighting situations,and camera settings. That said this is my first attempt of many.

I've been having lots of problems connecting to my blog of late leading me to waste time trying to share with you. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I get frustrated. Because it's been quite a few days I really wanted to catch up only to have the "beach ball" whirl away meaning there is some hold up. I spoke with Jonathan about this a few days ago and he recommended I try it on Safari rather than my customary Firefox. It worked beautifully, don't ask me why. At any rate here we are....

In the last few days I've got my hair highlighted, Baxter's been groomed, I've done the market, photographed raspberries--oh yeah, I mentioned that didn't I? As well, I've cooked a number of good dinners, and setting a record, Bruce has been home every night for two weeks!!! I guess not technically home because of our trip, but you get the picture. Cooking dinner for the family on Father's Day was good.

Speaking of fathers, our neighbor asked me the other day what did I think contributed to our boys seeming success in life. I immediately answered their dad. Fathers get more of their due these days, or rather I should say they are often more involved in their children's day to day lives, which only time will tell if that's a good thing. Bruce has always worked more than most dads; the construction business demands it. When you get to Bruce's level the pressures are great, and there is no such thing as a regular work day, or week. That said, he somehow managed to set an excellent example of what it means to be a good man. As well, his love for me, thus my having overflowing love to give to our children, had to have helped. I will say that when folks ask about our sons, I usually reply, so far so good. That answer still works.

In the photography part of my life I want to report that the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection office will soon be showing off not one, not two, but SEVEN of my photos in their lobby. Yes, you read that right, thanks are due to Ruth and Pat. Secondly, The Phoenix, Valencia's literary magazine is published and I'll be picking up my copies on Wednesday.

I've got clothes on the line which I'm going to check on now, our summer rains have been making their appearance about this time of day lately, although thankfully not yesterday at the market. In a real Father's Day present to Bruce, I packed most of our stuff due to a lightening threat before he arrived in the afternoon. Everyone kept asking if I'd called him to tell him we were shutting down early but I knew he'd be there for me.....he always has.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...Raspberries my favorite! Your picture of them is lovely.

Kernel Panic Loop