Monday, June 30, 2008

De-Tauping, Part Two

Nation Building in America
I'll freely admit I was seduced by the name of the new paint I used in the kitchen, "captivating cream." How great is that? It fits nicely with the "dancing green" in my office, and "windy blue" in the living room doesn't it? Unfortunately Mr. Bruce is not as captivated as I am, but he's trying. He thought the other was just fine thank you very much. It seems I change colors about every four years. At one point it was bright, and I do mean bright, yellow with a sunflower theme. My boys were aghast at that color which after a few years was replaced by the taupe. It is so clean and fresh now, I'm loving it. I started on Saturday morning and painted the eating area while listening to public radio. Maureen asked how long it took and my reply was that I listened to "Car Talk", "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me", "Weekend America", and "Marketplace".

After a few hours interruption I'm back. My neighbor came over to pick out two photos for her dining room then I went over to see some of her new plants. While there I saw something so fun, I can hardly wait to photograph it. Angela is 41, and still has her childhood Scrabble game from Great Britain. The board is green folks, wait until you see it. As well, she has her old Monopoly Game with all the London addresses. Way cool.

While there I got a phone call from someone who bought three prints from me at last weeks time share market. On their way back to Long Island all three somehow flew out of the car along with my card. The resort got back to them with my name and number and I'm puzzling about how I can help them. They are willing to pay full price again, but I feel sorta bad. Never a dull moment!

I worked out my sales tax due for the quarter and I'm shocked at my sales for the last three months. Things are bound to slow down, but golly, last year at this time I sold on average $300 a month--this year on average $2200. Can you believe it? You've been with me all along this journey....

Mike just picked up the disc with the cabin photos; I hope they find some that they like. I almost forgot to give him the keys! They've just returned from a two week trip to Amsterdam, Paris, and Sweden, and are still suffering jet lag. Turns out it doesn't get dark until 1 in the morning with daylight resuming around 3:30! He said he found it hard to go to bed; I'm imagining if we were there I'd still have no problem sleeping.

Drat--I missed Matt's call again, a recurring theme it seems.
Listening to: Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
via FoxyTunes

Listening to: Coldplay - The Scientist
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

abellwillring said...

The sales figures consistently amaze me. Congrats again, mom!

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