Friday, September 10, 2010

Hodge Podge

 Does this look familiar? Regular readers know just what is coming next.

Remember me mentioning Lisa bringing over the letters on Tuesday night? Well, she also brought over a photo album, which as it turns out was mostly of Carol, however this gem was spotted by Nancy. She called out "Come look at this Gail!" Here's a reminder of why we were so astonished at the above picture from our parent's home in 1956 when I was just a wee one.
Good grief! I looked high and low for a picture of them both re-covered, but this was the best I could do, which will do just fine as I'm happy to be reminded of the dramatic change! Nonetheless, I was so happy I finally got my scanner to work so I could show you the blast from the past.

I've just come across this fun little website, actually it looks like a blog; you might enjoy visiting it for more fun, not to mention, pretty useless trivia:

Wednesday night it turns out Bill's band, "Exit the Ride" was playing in a  downtown club called the Social. Nancy could not have been more thrilled that she would be able to see him perform live. Lisa made the trip down from Longwood once again to join us. The "Price" sisters headed out for the evening. Photographing concerts is not something I've mastered just yet, but I keep trying. Jonathan, Alissa, and Matthew, all seem to do it with ease, but not me. That said, here's one of the band onstage minus the drummer:
Part of the problem is that they won't stay still long enough for me to get them all in focus! Anyway, after the show here's one of Bill and Nancy goofing around:
Ryan, Bill and Lisa show off the guns:
It was lots of fun except for staying up way past my bedtime. Yikes, I need my sleep! Not a good thing to have to take someone to the airport at 5:45 AM after an evening out. This time, however, Nancy made her flight with time to spare. Lisa left late morning, and this little blogger mostly rested after so many consecutive days of partying! Bruce arrived home from Massachusetts last evening just as I was chatting with our favorite new homeowner. Yep--Matthew called to chat and hear all about the wedding. There's talk about bringing a British boy to sunny Florida for Christmas. I hope Matt can make that happen because Tom has never visited the USofA. Plus, it could be nice to show him that all Floridians are not as crazy as the ones that make the news. You know of what I speak no doubt.

This morning I visited Lukas nursery again to check out their large pots.While there I popped into the butterfly encounter to see what I could see. The butterfly population was down somewhat from my visit last year, but oh my word, do they have a new attraction that is even more fun than the butterflies. A smallish screened room with finches that are absolutely beautiful, mostly new to me.
Not that I've seen that many or anything, but was I ever both surprised, and delighted with this pair:
I could not get over their coloring! I wonder which one is the male/female? Notice the first one's long middle claw! As far as the pots are concerned, it was truly too hot to make a decision. Seriously, I almost felt sick with the heat which typically does not bother me too much. Not today--pictures were all I came home with!

While there I couldn't help but think of a funny story from long ago. We once had a pair of finches, not nearly as colorful as these, which lived in a cage on our screened porch. One day Bruce was cleaning their cage with his shop vac. If you can imagine, he somehow sucked up more than he bargained for. Like the finches. Yikes! Sweet Mr. Bruce was devastated at the time, however, now it seems a tiny bit funny. Or does it?

I suspect you've just about had enough of me for one post so I'll sign off, wishing all a lovely weekend.


Lisa Spak said...

I just love that pic with the boys-so funny! Sam's has alot of large pots right now

Nancy said...

Actually the finch story is more than a tiny bit funny---it's hilarious!!

abellwillring said...

Those birds are stunning!

Gail Peck said...

Aren't they sweet Jonathan?

Kernel Panic Loop