Saturday, September 4, 2010

Out of Synch

By Thursday night I had to admit that having Bruce working at home for four days was a tad too much. Here's his set up:
Please don't think I'm ungrateful. I'm only speaking the truth. Plus, I'm not telling you anything I haven't already told Bruce. After explaining to him that I'm accustomed to silence and order, he understood. Or so he said. He's there but he's not. He is on the phone constantly using his boss tone. I imagine that some people who work from home slack a bit, however, you've already gathered that Bruce is not in the camp. He actually works harder and longer.

Sooo...on Friday he decided to not work at home. In fact, he didn't work at all. We used the opportunity to head out to Lukas Nursery ( in Slavia. What a treat. The plants are wonderful and there are so MANY to choose from. Butterflies were flying free and here's one:
You will note the beautiful blue sky as well as the magnificent color of bougainvillea. Good stuff.

Primarily it was a recognizance mission. Naturally Bruce had a notebook and sketch he'd drawn and he made notes as to what plants we most liked. The weather was hot but we'd arrived just before 9:00 so it wasn't too bad. Wonderful pots and garden ornaments. Terrific!

Because we were driving right I showed Bruce the museum gift shop to get his feedback. At the same time he was able to see our wonderful new exhibit of works by Charles Turzak: Michelle has made a case with all his wood block cutting tools which was very impressive.  And then on to lunch at El Porto. If you live in Orlando and haven't tried it, you are missing the boat. I know I was. It's one of those places that someone who has been there before lets you in on the secret that it's not only delicious but cheap as well. If you like Mexican food, check it out in the KMart shopping center across from Winter Park Village.

Umbrella ordered--check. Colorful large ceramic pots--still working on. Glass tiles for pool edge--check.

Moving on, I'll be picking Nancy up at the airport in a few hours. There's a wedding in the family on Sunday evening at 5:00.  Lisa's daughter is marrying her high school sweetheart in less than 48 hours. Sound familiar? Here's hoping their love continues to grow like some other couple you know. Excitement is in the air

For those of you who don't know much about Nancy, let me just tell you she is an organizing queen! Years ago she did my not only my spice cabinet, but my closet as well. Wonder of wonders, I've been able to mostly maintain her ideas. She loves the stuff, whereas you know that I'm not so into it. Do I sound selfish wanting her to help me with a few other closets? I'm only thinking of her obsession! Seriously, we'll see what she can find to make better around here.

In case you were wondering, the door is finally fixed in excellent fashion.

Time to hang the clothes on the line now so I'll leave you to your holiday weekend plans. Hope it's as nice as ours will be. As I type, Bruce is out on the lake fishing, something he's been able to do a few times this week. The fish are biting!

P.S. Probably the real reason I don't like having Bruce work at home is that it highlights how hard he works and how little I do. You think? Ouch!


PeacefulBlueIris said...

I love the photo of the the beautiful blue sky with butterfly and bougainvillea. Oh and by the way, for the lucky ones, out of synch is ebb and flow, with a greater frequency of ebb. <3

Lisa Spak said...

El Portro is one of our favorite places-really love that buffet after a hard's day work outside!

Kernel Panic Loop