Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010

This evening I'm meeting with Mr. Roger to plan the order. I'm trying to edit, I'm trying to edit, I'm trying to edit! Maybe if I repeat it often enough it will sink in?

I don't know about you but I miss snail mail. Yep, I do. I know that sounds old fashioned, but it's the truth. I believe it was Monday afternoon, while working at the computer, the little email notifier popped up with a message from DeLand Art Festival. Great news--I got in! That said, to me there's nothing quite like the anticipation of opening a sealed envelope. Reaching into the mailbox, seeing something in print that's intriguing, and for me, while walking back to the front door, ripping it open. Using our senses, you know? As fast as things are changing I'm sure it will be no time before snail mail becomes obsolete, but that's not a good thing in my book. Lisa is dying to show us all the letters she's saved from our father who died in early 1982. Somehow I can't see our children printing old emails to reminisce over when Bruce and I are long gone. Change may be inevitable, but I don't have to like it, now do I? Originally I'd thought to print this on canvas, however, I'm thinking maybe not.
Before I continue, let me just tell you that I was nearly done writing when I hit the wrong key, deleting everything aside from the previous two paragraphs. Trust me when I tell you that I had a good opening.

The week is flying by with renovation meetings. Mark came by Monday night, staying way longer than I'd anticipated. Silly me. He was here late the previous time! We've scaled back much of the work he was going to do for us at the moment. We are however replacing the glass with stronger, insulated, not to mention tempered glass. Although we've lived here nearly 15 years, accidents happen as we all well know. After watching the front door shatter I can only imagine if the same had happened in the back yard. Instead of crackling, large pieces would be the result.

And speaking of the front door, Mr. Bowles, our pool contractor came by last evening to finalize plans. Last week, while visiting the tile store  with Bill, I found the shiniest, prettiest, most awesome glass mosaic tiles for the pool edge. Mr. Bowles reminded me of my tile allowance which this far exceeds. You know that most excellent husband of mine--he said, sure honey! Anyway Mr. B. went through the house to his truck to get a box of Pebble-Tec samples, the material which will be sprayed on the pool interior. Oops! Apparently he must have shut the door just a bit too hard. Returning via the gate he told us the glass had finally given up the ghost! About two thirds of the glass fell in hundreds of pieces, both in the foyer, and on the front stoop. Broken glass is sure pretty. Bruce, of course, was unafraid to tape what remains of the glass, keeping the rest of it in place for when the glaziers arrive. Hopefully tomorrow!

The trees are done for now. Here's what the guys took away with them, although with how low that truck is sagging, I imagine it was a slow ride!
I lost my momentum with that deletion I'll tell you that much! Tomorrow, on the other hand, is another day. In fact, it's September 2, 2010. Can you imagine?

1 comment:

matt said...

hey Mom
sorry you had some technical difficulties with your posting. shame to miss out on the opening.
but the good news is that i have got internet at home now, so i should be able to phone you soon. hurrah! x

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