Monday, September 13, 2010

Two Weeks To Go

Time is a funny thing. Either it's moving too slow or too fast. Don't you agree? As we've discussed in the past, I'm not a great waiter, and right about now I'm waiting on so much, it's making me a wee bit crazy.

Two weeks from today they start the pool renovation. The mess will be incredible;  I will be more than happy to share with you once it begins. All the plants along the back of the house will be soon gone to make room for something more appropriate. After our visit to Lukas Nursery, Bruce made a schematic of the yard, designing it with plants that we liked while there. He sent this along to the woman who was to help us, and her response, "It's overgrown!" You think? Not to mention that the Lady Palms do best in the shade rather than the harsh afternoon sun. She didn't say that, I did. There's practically a fortune in those palms which will probably be thrown away. I'm talking maybe $1,000+. The thing about that woman, aside from her idiotic response, is that she kept calling all the plants girls. She will do this, she will do that. My girls etc. Seriously, I wanted to smack her if she said it one more time.

Yesterday I asked Jim (plant guru neighbor at the market) about Lukas, and he said--too expensive! I found an incredible nursery, maybe six miles from the house on the way to the airport. Maybe not even six. Anyway, their plants were easily $4, or $5 cheaper, which doesn't sound like much until you think that we'll need maybe 100 plants! That's how I discovered the cost of the Lady Palms--one good sized plant, maybe six feet tall, is $65. Our bed is packed with them! Unlike what our yard guy told me, this gentleman, who has had the nursery for 40 years, said they most definitely can be moved if they are planted in the shade. I'm now wondering how we can best use at least some of them.

Years ago Bruce bought a Tiki man to put in our tropical backyard which he just loved. Funny because he normally doesn't like silly stuff, but in this case, he made an exception. I can't remember if it was Hurricane Charely, or old age, but it's been gone for some time now. Turns out it came from this nurseryman's daughter's place on Conway Road! It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small world etc. Bet you can't read that without it becoming a song in your head!

Speaking of small worlds, about a week ago on David's facebook page, I noticed the profile picture of one of his friends. Thinking it looked familiar, I checked it out. Turns out it was this:
You may recall my elation upon seeing this published on the web version of the New York Times last year. Thinking maybe it was the young man pictured, I sent him a message asking just that question. No, he replied, a buddy of his sent him the photo because he's been unemployed for seven months! How does this happen, I ask you?

Highlights of the weekend:  Decent sales at the market, dinner out with Steve & Barb on Friday night, and dinner out on Saturday night with Jim & Patty. Good times.

Lowlights: Watching my beloved Florida State Seminoles! Talk about a decimation. Please, not another horrible season--I can't take it!

Bruce just called, asking me to run up to the hardware store for some potting soil so I'll call this a post.

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