Baxter and I went to Cypress Grove Park about a mile from the house for me to practice with the new camera. It is really amazing when you go out specifically to take photos what you notice. We did witness a tiny wedding ceremony going on lakeside. Hard to imagine someone getting married on a Thursday morning at 10AM, but I guess they wanted it low-key.
Later on in the afternoon I decided to run down to Thornton Park to shoot some of the restaurants because not only have people have asked for them, butI thought the light would work well. Bruce finally arrived home from Boston so he came with me. I took Elmer along to finish up the roll. Outside Wildsides a lesbian woman stood in the intersection stopping traffic for me to get the shot!! It was really sweet. We roamed around, and as we returned to that area, I heard her asking the server if she was married--when the young girl replied no, the woman asked her if she wanted to marry her! That is one of the best things about going out and about--interactions with people of all kinds--I love it! At the park earlier these children were loving Baxter and wanting to walk him. He planted himself until I walked along with them.
We ended up at Dexters, an old haunt for us until I refused to go because they were not putting enough effort into their food preparation. It is super noisy inside but the outside patio is great for people watching and hanging out. It turned out we saw an old friend from work, Kristen, and her new husband, John. Baxter, and their dog Sandy, got along just fine. It was great to see them--when I was working people always wondered if we were sisters. LOL, I am nearly 20 years older than she is!
Today was my all day class, so that is why I am a bit behind on posting--another day--another story!
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