Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Good Morning

Hope everyone had a good holiday--ours was very simple, but nice. First off, I'll tell you that it was a good day at the market; I sold seven pieces! You just never know what to expect that is for sure. As seems to often be the case, a woman had her money out to purchase, but unfortunately, the two pieces she had set her sights on were sold! The weather was very nice--not too hot. Although a slight rain came up, it was no bother. Baxter again held down the home front--it is much simpler without him!

I took both cameras to Leu Gardens yesterday and Bruce accompanied me. I take a picture with both the film SLR camera, and the digital--I'm trying to detect a difference in how the finished product looks. Of course, with the digital, I take several shots at different angles to ensure a good one, but as you can imagine, the film camera is a different story. Bruce continues to try and talk me into a fancier camera--we'll see. We cruised around a bit afterwards, stopping by a museum we had not been to. Because it was a Monday, it was not open, but the grounds were lovely, with very funky sculptures lakeside. Orlando has so many great places to visit--certainly not like huge cities, but, nonetheless, there is much the tourists never see. We had a nice lunch at Gargi's--their patio along the shores of Lake Ivanhoe is quite charming.

Matt called yesterday and things are going swimmingly in London.He had the day off for a bank holiday. His stuff is finally supposed to arrive from Chicago today after more than three months-- apparently there were problems with the ship. Now if you know Matt, or Bruce, you know that they like to have things settled ASAP after moving into a new place; art is hung before nightfall. You can well imagine how frustrating the wait has been for him--I'm sure before the week is over his place will be decorated beautifully.

I have an appointment with the neurologist this afternoon after which I think we are going to get in the car and take a little two day trip. Bruce--miracle of miracles--does not have to travel for work this week, so I've asked him to travel with me. At the moment, our destination is unclear-- probably one of the coasts. The love bugs I've mentioned in the past are fierce right now, so maybe not too far from home. I only learned yesterday that the University of Florida brought these pesky insects into Florida to eat mosquito larvae. I believe they have done a good job of that as the mosquito population is much diminished since we were children, however, as is always the case, you have to take the good with the bad.

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