Wednesday, May 9, 2007

When Life Gives You Lemons....

I was experimenting today with some citrus, and kiwi fruit, because it is one of the reliable sellers. I'd like to become better so I practice a lot.

I realized today that the last time Bruce and I were apart for a week was last summer when I was in the hospital. This week has been long for me, but at least I know Bruce is doing something he likes, and is super good at. Yes...he loves his work. I can not imagine what it must have been like for him last July coming home at night wondering what would happen next. The day they told us I probably had pancreatic cancer must have been unbearable. I was feeling so poorly that I'm sure it didn't sink in with me, but Bruce has an active imagination and a very tender heart. Fortunately, they were wrong.

I almost did an unthinkable thing. Thankfully, I was cleaning the stack of papers from the top of my microwave; I'm not typically a big stacker, but it was time. Anyway in the pile I found Leanne's graduation announcement and it turns out it is this Saturday! Wow, I feel like a dummy, however, it arrived so long ago, or so it seems, that I would have overlooked it. Matthew arrives on Saturday morning as well so we'll have to figure out the logistics.

Whenever Matthew comes home I have him clean up my computer, and usually we go shopping. He has the best eye for clothes, and I'm needing some new ones now. Every clothing item that he, or Bruce, for that matter, has suggested has been a winner. He is looking forward to shopping here because we have great outlets and things are so much cheaper than in London. He tells me the Brits fly to New York just to shop!

1 comment:

Michele said...

I love the lemons are limes. They are happy and calm at the same time. I love your blog Gail - it was wonderful catching up with some of my Florida family!

Kernel Panic Loop