Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It's Me Again

This guy may be chilling, but I'm not. I've returned from another wasted doctor's visit. It is hard to imagine that it has been nearly a year since I fist noticed the pain and began having dry heaves; I still have no diagnosis. Today he suggested I might want to consider ovarian cancer as he had researched everything and thinks that surgery might be the way to go. I've heard the surgery idea before. I was frustrated when I arrived as they said I owed them $475 and either I could pay it, or reschedule. Great--my entire deductible is already met as you can well imagine; my insurance company is behind the times. Naturally, I was in tears in the waiting room but got control of myself by the time I saw Dr. Menken. I am in tears again but I'll get control of myself. I feel like giving up, and just letting whatever is wrong with me take it's course. Bruce and I are off for our adventure--I'll just try and forget this whole afternoon. So long friends.


Amaya said...

Have you gotten a second opinion? Or maybe the Mayo?
That has to be so frustrating!
I hope you enjoy your adventure and find the time to relax.

sarah said...

take care of yourself! we are thinking of you.

Mrs Uyopong said...

Hello Gail...

I've always look forward to reading your blog no matter how busy I am. Hope you are feeling very much better as I am sending you this comment. I pray that all is well. Cheer-up.

your friend,

jpeckmeister said...

I'd be seeing another doctor! Are you telling me that with all the resonance imaging equipment they have, that they can't find some cancer if it's there? What a crock!

Kernel Panic Loop