Friday, June 1, 2007

And I Quote...

"Many engaging pix here that show an inspired, absorbent, searching eye, especially with the insects! Such success and enthusiasm given the equipment!" That was the comment on my returned pictures today! It has certainly proved challenging using this 30 year old camera, however, it may make me a better photographer--we'll see.

Due to our schedules, our trip to Vero Beach was relatively short, nevertheless, it was a welcome change of scenery. The ocean gets more beautiful the further south you go, and as I mentioned in an earlier post, the waves are especially good. I only went in once yesterday, and in fact, the waves were stronger than I can manage in my fragile condition, however, I loved the time I was playing in them. The breeze was constant, and refreshing.

We stayed at the Driftwood Inn on the beach; it was built in 1937 by an eccentric, Waldo Sexton, who used no building plans. He especially loved bells, and they are everywhere. The story goes that he built much of the hotel with driftwood that washed up on the beach. When we arrived in Vero, it looked so funky that I thought it might be fun to stay in a place full of character. I did not bargain for full of characters as well. No seriously, this picture is of the cottage we stayed in the first night--note the full porch please. At 2:30 in the morning a loud knocking woke us from a sound sleep. My Boy Scout husband immediately jumped up, and tried to peer through the blinds. It was a man who was wanting help because he, and his girlfriend were having some sort of difficulty. Bruce refused to open the door, and demanded that he leave. A few minutes later as I'm imploring Bruce to go back to sleep, another loud banging begins. At this point he calls 911. A short time later the police arrive, and Bruce opens the door only to be confronted by the security guard who complains that we did not open the door when he banged...duh, it might have helped had he identified himself...

No further trouble ensued, but we did move to an oceanfront room in the original building. It came complete with a claw foot tub, lovely deck, and the aforementioned wonderful ocean breeze. I had only to open the sliding door to photograph the morning sunrise!

Aside from the speeding ticket Bruce got on our drive home the trip was a great success. I was able to put that nasty doctor's visit far from my mind where I intend to leave it.

Thanks for your concern friends; my life motto has always been..this too shall pass... I plan to cling to that now.

1 comment:

Amaya said...

I wouldn't have opened the door at 2 am either. What a jackass security officer for not identifying himself. Why on earth was he knocking at that hour?

Kernel Panic Loop