Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Mail

Here is my brand new tea kettle. It's pretty red isn't it? Hmmm....

The mail today, both snail, and e-mail, was interesting.
  • A brochure from the state entitled: "Beginning Your Relationship with the Florida Department of Revenue. I'm sure Matthew is laughing as he reads this as he knows what a pathetic record keeper I am. Apparently, I've got to do better. For some reason we do not have to charge sales tax at the market; since we've just decided not to pursue the huge show in the fall I'm not sure just yet when I'll need my tax number. Fiesta in the Park, I wonder who made that name up eighteen years ago. It might be lucrative, maybe not. In any case, Bruce's workload will be crushing him at that time of the year (November), and I will be in the midst of my last semester at Valencia. Wow--hard to imagine. I'll have to decide what is next.
  • Additionally, I received an itemized statement from the hospital. Previously they sent me a bill saying I owed some money. I wasted a stamp, yes, but I just wanted to let them know I don't pay bills without knowing what it was for. Here's the scoop: When I had those ten tubes of blood drawn in March they tested me for--get this--mercury, arsenic, lead and cadium, whatever that is. I must not be the victim of some weird poisoning.
  • My friend, Amaya from Seattle, sent me a note--surely I took more photos than two on my field trip yesterday--where are they? She has me pegged. I took at least 150!! That is the beauty of digital my friends. You can compose all different shots with the lighting coming from the side, back, or front for a different mood. Heck, I laid on my back on the porch of one of the buildings trying to get the entire lighthouse in one shot! I took three that way. Bruce tells me that it is the equivalent of a 20 story building. Is it any wonder that I was in bed by 8 last night?
  • Lastly, I am now scheduled for my internship interview. I sent an e-mail stating I was free anytime and let the curator pick the time. It's next Tuesday at ??? I already forgot--no worries, I never delete e-mail.
  • On that note, I'm going to get cleaned up a bit-- at 3, I'm heading to get a mani/pedi, as they call it. Waxing--the dreaded waxing of my brows, and mustache too. I do so hate that, but it's been MONTHS!


Amaya said...

I knew it! 150 huh? I look forward to seeing more.
I like the tea kettle. I just bought a stainless steel one to match our appliances, but kind of wish I'd done something with a little more personality.
I, too, will be getting a mani/pedi next week. I'll be leaving next Friday for Utah (a wedding) and need some cleanin' up. ;)

Amaya said...

oh, and good luck with the interview.

Kernel Panic Loop