Sunday, June 3, 2007

Do You Realize?

The Flaming Lips sing--"Do you realize, you have the most beautiful face?" The song goes on to say that life goes fast, it's hard to make the good times other words, make the most of each day, and make sure that those you love know it by your words, and actions. I just love that song. After my mom died, I was in my Freshman Comp class, I had to do a research paper including a power point. Let me tell you, that was an entirely new experience for me--at least the power point stuff. I'm sure I had written a research paper in high school, but that was over 30 years ago. At any rate, I wrote it on Hospice care, and when I put my power point together I contrasted my mom's death experience with that of my father-in-law. He died on the day of my mom's funeral; he was hospitalized for nearly six months, and his suffering was indescribable. Although I was a novice at power point, I so wanted to add that song as a quiet background, however, I was too inexperienced. It was probably just as well because during the presentation I sobbed and could hardly even do it!

Doesn't Bruce look adorable with his new glasses? I told him he looks like a movie star. Being the good Democrat that he is, he is watching the presidential debate---to me it is too much, too soon.

The highlight of today's market was a sale to a young boy of about 8 or 9; it made my day that he so loved the baseball picture that he spent his birthday money on it. I had gone for a much-needed bathroom break, when I returned to the booth, Bruce was conducting the sale--he gave him a discount which couldn't have made me happier. A new manager is taking over and has big plans to invigorate both the vendors and the advertising. That my friends is welcome news.

1 comment:

abellwillring said...

Mom, I think Dad looks a LOT like Dave in this pic oddly enough. The smile and the creases in his face are very reminicent of him. Alissa and I both love them -- they're indie-tastic. ;)

Kernel Panic Loop