Thursday, June 7, 2007

Just When I Thought...

it was a done deal, I have weakened again. I have managed to vacuum the house which is a pain in the neck with Baxter around. It is so funny, he puts his little face right up to the vacuum, and barks like a maniac. I just continue as if he's not right there, but it makes Bruce nervous; he's afraid the little doggie will get suck right in! He also goes crazy when you clean the pool--remember how he fell in a month or so ago?

I also went to the grocery store which was a double bonus--not only do we have more food in the house, but I bought some raspberries, and little tomatoes on the vine to photograph. Almost every week I sell groups of fruits, and vegetables, so I want to keep things fresh--no pun intended folks! I'm going to group some kiwi, pineapple, cherries, raspberries, and watermelon together-- I hope it will be a hit.

Elmer, and I, are getting along much better these days. Duh...I finally figured out that I didn't have to guess on the aperture setting, and have been relying on the light meter to help me set it. Here you see the vast array that I took this week (ha ha, in addition to my digital ones!); I'm waiting on Bruce's input to help me choose the ten to turn in. Next week I have to turn in 5 8X12s for the final project; it seems as if I might have enough here to work with, but we'll see.

My poor Matthew in London, his Internet service has been down for about five days now, and he seems to be getting nowhere with service calls. He usually calls me with that connection every Sunday to catch up--I miss him. In addition, he is unable to update his Live Journal which I also miss. He is an amazing writer--his intelligence, and wit, really shine in his musings.

I'm going to make the tomato tart for dinner tonight, after all, it is summer here. You make a tart shell (pre-bake), fill bottom with carmelized onions, layer tomatoes, and chopped kalamata olives, add a sprinkling of feta cheese, and a drizzle of olive oil. Bake for only about 15 minutes on 350, and finish with chopped fresh basil. I got this recipe from the New York Times magazine a few years ago; it is simply marvelous. It happened to be one of my mom's favorites when I was cooking for her during her illness. We'll have some of that fruit, and there you go! Not too ambitious I hope.

Doesn't everything look better after a big rainstorm?Finally, it rained hard here last evening, and into the night, complete with thunder and lightening--hurray!

1 comment:

Amaya said...

That recipe sounds really good. I'm gonna have to try it. And give you the credit, of course. :)

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