Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Circumventing the System

Because the folks at my community college who are supposed to be helping me get this internship seem to be too slow for me I decided to go straight to the museum with my resume, and see what happened. As it turns out, there are two interns for the summer already, however, there is an opening in the fall. The woman I spoke to said my maturity would be a bonus. As well, I wrote to my humanities professor to see if I might use her as a reference. She wrote back and said she would contact the director and put in a good word for me. To our left is the sculpture museum--isn't it pretty?

Yesterday I didn't get up until after 8 because I had taken a nausea pill the night before and it makes me very sleepy. I try not to take them, but after retching for many minutes, Bruce talked me into it. I was pretty slow moving all day. Today was another story though. The phone rang before 6 AM--naturally it wasn't handy. Bruce was already showering for his departure, so I dragged up, and answered it. Bruce's direct flight to Boston was canceled, and they put him on another flight through Cincinnati putting him in Boston much later than planned. After his workday he is going to a Red Sox game! I'm totally jealous that he gets to go to Fenway. Did I mention he has 711,000 frequent flier miles with Delta?

My sweet Jonathan calls me every day on his way home from work to check up on how I'm feeling. I used to talk to him only once a week, but since I've been sick, he calls every day. This week is an exception because he is on his cruise. I do so hope they are having good weather as he was super excited. Our rain seems to have returned, and that is great news. Not only do we need it to keep things cooler, but our aquifer, lakes, rivers, and lawns need it badly. Today it stormed like crazy--the wind was blowing the palms every which way, and the rain was coming down in buckets. I'll post a picture tomorrow for those of you who have never seen a Florida afternoon rainstorm. Some people are afraid of the lightening, and thunder, that comes with it, but I kinda like it if I'm inside--not so much fun driving though. I was wondering how many accidents it caused today.

Our paper is paid through June 17 so we are still receiving it. Someone wrote a letter to the editor saying they would cancel, but they were concerned for their carriers livelihood--good point. Ours drives an old van that always sounds as if it might die in front of the house. Until I no longer receive it, I will continue to find things to amuse, or irritate me within it's pages. No disrespect intended, but in a 53 year old man's obituary today (yikes, I'm 53!), it said he liked to clean his mother's pool as a hobby. Can you imagine someone paid to include that? Seriously though, it might be nice if Bill or Dave decided that was a worthy hobby.

1 comment:

jpeckmeister said...

I had just dropped off Mom in Zellwood and tried in vain to beat the storm. I made it around the big curve before Park Avenue, and wham! It's a dang good thing that I can make that drive in my sleep because I surely drove it blind. I have only been more terrified twice in my life: getting caught in a storm just like that on the St. John's River (Further Adventures with Cris) and on I-10 returning from Tallahassee. 15 mph on 436, can you imagine that?
Have you read the new book by the author of The Kite Runner? I saw it in Target, but I had to buy myself some clothes. I'll get the book at the library.
Nobody believes us when we tell them that we have far worse thunderstorms than hurricanes. Yesterday's ranks in my top 3.
Hope you're feeling better. In fact, I'll probably just call you.

Kernel Panic Loop